Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1576: peck

Five minutes later, Zhang Nan, a burly, hideous-looking Zhang Nan, was twisted off his hands and feet, and was thrown on the ground like a dead fish.

He twisted his body in pain, trying his best to escape from this place, but often he crawled out of no more than three to five meters, and was kicked back by the scared man chewing on black herbs.

‘Cough~ Bah! The scarred man spit out disgusting thick phlegm on the ground, squatted down with a grinning grin showing his black and yellow teeth, and patted Zhang Nan's face provocatively.

"Little beast, you think you are like a disgusting bug, I can't do anything about it? Do you understand the difference between Tier 6 and Tier 5?!"

Listening to the words of the scarred man, Zhang Nan was in a trance. He couldn't help but remember that he had heard some rumors in the insect group.

That leader, Wang Mang, seemed to force a Tier 6 monster beast with the strength of Tier 5, and seemed to have defeated it. What was worse than him, how could he be defeated so thoroughly under this man?

If a certain senior member of the insect group can hear Zhang Nan's inner words now, he will definitely sneer. What strength and talent is the leader of Wang Mang, and you can be compared to a beast who is not a human, a ghost or a ghost?

"Hey! Are you a beast listening to me?!"

The scared man chewing on black herbs looked at Zhang Nan in a sullen spirit, and his right hand, which was as hard as a steel bar, grabbed his shoulder blade stubbornly.

Suddenly, ‘click~ click! The exoskeleton, even the bones underneath the flesh and blood, are turned into bone scum under this grip.

"Ah!!!" Zhang Nan opened his mouthparts and opened his compound eyes in pain and anger. He couldn't help but let out a tragic wailing. The scared man smiled with satisfaction, and hit Zhang Nan with a fist. On his face, "How many brothers did you kill in my clan? It's not an exaggeration to cut you a thousand times!"

Just as the Scarlet Man vented his dissatisfaction, a young stranger not far away frowned and hurriedly walked over.

"Brother Pecking, the other aliens have heard that you have caught this beast and have already rushed to our clan land. The patriarch has just passed a book to me, so let's go back soon."

"Got it!" Chewing on the herb, waved his hand impatiently, and muttered: "These **** old things, when in danger, one by one huddled in the clan's ground. Now that people have caught them, they are arrogantly instigating them. !"

"Tie this beast with a rope and drag it behind the carriage. Anyway, his vitality is strong. This distance can't drag him!"

Chewing on the herbs, he irritably ordered the next two sentences, and he leaned back lazily on the front of the carriage, covered with a thick monster skin blanket.

The burly Zhang Nan had all his limbs broken at this moment, and his whole body was pecked and punched. I don't know how many times he had been hit.

Anyway, the chest, abdomen and carapace are all cracked, the exoskeleton on the head and cheeks has long been knocked out, and the scarlet flesh and blood are exposed. He is firmly bound by four or five tough chains, and the ends of the chains are tied together. On the bar of a carriage.

‘Hey Lv Lv! When the horse whip waved and the horse hissed, the heavy carriage started to move. Zhang Nan, lying on his back, was like a dead dog that was suddenly dragged. He was dragged forward by his neck abruptly.

Pecking, who was sitting on the first carriage, glanced back at him, smiled excitedly, and then turned back.

At this time, Zhang Nan was a little hypoxic and suffocated, but his powerful body allowed him to withstand the pain in pain. His scarlet compound eyes were a little dazzling, as if he saw a few familiar figures in the dense forest.

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