Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1577: Handover task

"Captain, Zhang Nan, do you want to inform the leader and minister about this situation?!" The intelligence commissioner, who was covering his face with a black cloth, frowned and turned to look at the leader who was standing on the trunk and staring at Zhang Nan.

"The notice is definitely to be notified, but this Nan is alive and has no value," The intelligence captain, who was slightly whitish at the temple, shook his head silently.

With the mind of an ordinary person like Zhang Nan, if he can't survive the torture and reveal all the information he knows, then even if he completes the task, he will be killed by the reinforcements sent by the organization alive!

"This secret realm has long been regarded as forbidden by our organization, and even other committee members have reluctantly agreed to our organization to occupy this secret realm after a series of compromises.

As long as this Zhang Nan tells a little bit of organizational intelligence, you are responsible for secretly making a move and it ends up with him! I will report the situation here to the chief! "

After the intelligence captain gave a few words in a cold voice, the surrounding intelligence commissioners nodded solemnly, their figures disappeared abruptly, and their invisible bodies leaped across the dense forest at an extremely fast speed, monitoring the three carriages that were moving. .

Seeing his subordinates leave, the intelligence captain also raised his right hand and looked at the Ring of Doom with a black gem embedded on his index finger.

This Ring of Doom had already recovered its signal as early as dawn today. In order to avoid self exposure, he did not contact the organization in the first place, but now is the time!

"Om~~Om!" After a harsh radio wave passed, a very majestic young male voice came out: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Zhang Nan?!"

The intelligence captain bowed his head respectfully, "Yes, the leader, Zhang Nan was knocked down and taken away by a Tier 6 strong in the secret realm. I have let my subordinates follow up. Once he reveals the information of the organization, I will order him to be killed! "

Wang Mang's voice pondered for a moment, and then he turned to say, "You did a good job. It's time to count the days.,

During your time in the Secret Realm, the outside world has changed a lot. I will send someone in to take over the task with you later, and you will come back soon! "

"Yes! Chief!"

"Om!" The sound of the radio wave stopped abruptly, and the Ring of Doom did not remain quiet for long before it rang again, but this time it was the notorious black-clothed team in the Shadow Department who contacted him!

"Hello! I'm the captain of the black team! Codename Ghost. Where are you now?!"

The unceremonious words made the intelligence captain's brows frowned, and at the same time there was a little surprise in his eyes. This time, it was the first team of the Shadow Force that entered the secret realm to take over the task with them? !

They are the executioners of the executioners!

"Hello! I'm in the direction of the twelfth area of ​​G area in the secret realm!"

"Okay! I'll be there at once!"

Within two minutes of the speech, a black-clothed squad of ten people appeared in front of the intelligence captain like a ghost, and they all wore a horrible bronze mask of evil spirits.

The one at the head is a little different. There is a curved insect-shaped lightning on the left cheek of his mask.

"I am ghost number five! Hello!"

Senhan's cold words made everyone who heard him feel bad. The intelligence captain dealt with him and took the initiative to drive him in the direction where Zhang Nan was dragged away.

On the way, he couldn't help but glanced at the ghost next to him. There were some pitiful strangers in that clan in his heart. He offended the Shadow Squad and feared that this strange clan would be destroyed!

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