Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1589: Worship

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, you are only Longyou Shoal. Don't worry about the temporary difficulties. When Long Shengyuan is buried in the future, Big Brother Zhang Nan's reputation will surely resound throughout the rivers and lakes!"

"Senior Brother's words are quite good!" The young man nodded in agreement with a smile, but when it came to the government, his tone turned a little bit fierce.

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, don't say it's you, even our Taoist sect has been oppressed by this government for a long time. Many of the refined medicines and spiritual grass cultivated in the sect have to supply a part of these blood-sucking worms every year.

Who wants to hand over his own things for nothing? However, these imperial eagle claws are not good at character, but they have some strength. The feats you have done, Zhang Nan, really make the younger brother fascinated, but you are bound by the rules of the door, and you can't be as cool and comfortable as your elder brother. "

The young man shook his head dejectedly, and drank a sip of strong wine in a muffled voice. Zhang Nan frowned when he saw this, and his original heroic face was full of dissatisfaction and anger:

"I'm a lonely family and I have no worries. I can do such a rebellious thing and be able to take care of myself. You can't do it!"

"You are still young. If you do something like this, how should your parents, brothers, and masters look at you?! Don't say this again in the future. It's better to respect your masters and parents more than anything else!"

"Yes..." The sullen drinking youth suddenly raised his head, looking at Zhang Nan's stern appearance, a warm current flowed in his heart uncontrollably.

If this Big Brother Nan pretended to be heroic to relieve himself, he would have become a hero, but now he criticizes himself so severely, this is truly for his own sake.

Young people can cultivate to the five-fold pinnacle realm, naturally they are not stupid, at least they can clearly distinguish good words, this Big Brother Nan is really good to himself!

Thinking of this, the youth's eyes flushed slightly. He grinned extremely happily, stood up, took the wine bowl in his hand and respectfully said to Zhang Nan:

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, I thought you were just being heroic, but I never thought that you are truly a hero in the world. I won't say anything else. If my brother doesn't dislike it, my younger brother Yang Jiang will only look forward to you!"

"Brothers are serious!" Seeing Yang Jiang's respectful appearance, Zhang Nan's stern face slowly softened, and he laughed twice and patted his shoulder.

"It can be seen that brothers are also loyal. Today, the snow is violent and we are here again. This fate is really wonderful!

Why not take advantage of this snow, how about a few of us worship? ! Do not seek to be born in the same year and on the same day, but to die in the same year and on the same day! "

Zhang Nan's bold words made four or five young people on the wine table excited. Their faces flushed, and their hands and feet became a little cramped with the excitement.

They had just started their careers, they were young and energetic, and they had a passionate yearning for Jianghu. If they could bow down with a hero like Zhang Nan, it would be a blessing for three lives!

"As long as the eldest brother does not dislike it, we are willing to share the joys with the eldest brother, and share weal and woe!

As the brother Yang Jiang just finished speaking, the other four brothers were so excited that their hands were shaking and stood up suddenly, the porcelain bowls full of strong wine touched each other, everyone drew wine into their throats, and they were excited!

The worship ceremony was also extremely serious. The six people held a jar of hot wine, packed a table of good food, found a mountain temple, beheaded chicken heads, burned yellow paper, dripped blood in front of the idols, and gambling with each other. . Only then has he truly formed a brother of the opposite sex!

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