Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1590: Identity

"Several brothers, my elder brother is really too strong to drink, so I went to bed first." Zhang Nan held on to the armrest with a red face, rubbing his stomach and belching alcohol.

"Brother, I will hold you upstairs!"

"Okay! Look at your drunk appearance, you can't walk straight, and you are holding me...hiccup~! I'm going up first! Hiccup!"

Zhang Nanzui smiled and said to a little brother who was walking with his eyes blurred. He turned around and supported the handrails and walked slowly to the guest room on the second floor step by step.

The wooden door carved with dragon and phoenix patterns was pushed aside. The drunk Zhang Nan walked into the room, turned around and pushed it with a big hand, and then closed the door with a body of more than two hundred jin.

When the small wooden bolt behind the door jammed the gap in the wooden door, Zhang Nan, who was still drunk and confused, suddenly woke up. Instead of being confused, his eyes were bright and shrewd.

Leaning on the wooden door, he turned around the ring of doomsday engraved with countless small inscriptions on his fingers. Relying on the unique convexity of the inscriptions, he quickly blindly typed a message with his fingers.

The faint matte light flashed faintly, and this text was sent out with the super transmission ability of the Ring of Doom.

After sending the message, Zhang Nan exhaled and fell directly on the bed with a swaying pace. After a few moments, he turned over and lay on his back on the bed, leaning on the futon, with his hands folded on the back of his head, a pair of Qingming His eyes stared at the roof tiles and wooden beams.

It has been more than two months since he came to this world. The carefully fabricated identity, fluent Northland accent, and even this encounter in the tavern are the result of his painstaking design.

It is not a simple matter to enter the Seven Islands Alliance led by the Penglai Immortal as a suitable, unobtrusive outsider!

For this occasional encounter, he really found a strong man named Zhang Nan in the northwest. After killing him, he imposted and fled to another county, where he robbed a wealthy merchant and robbed him of 60,000 or 70 thousand spiritual stones.

The arrester who pursued him quickly killed more than forty people in a row, and the number of imperial eagle dogs that died in his hands absolutely exceeded a hundred people!

Why become a fugitive like a prodigal dog? ! It is not to find an invulnerable identity for myself who does not belong to this world!

The portraits on the connected warrant have the same appearance and characteristics as their own. Anyone's first impression will only simply think that he is a wanted criminal, and will not be suspicious of otherworldly humans.

The wanted by the government is undoubtedly the best proof of Zhang Nan’s identity as a native. As for a fugitive, can he break into these sects?

Haha, Zhang Nan, who is well versed in the chaos of the sect, showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, indicating that there is no pressure at all!

At dawn the next day, the rooster's loud crowing made all the tourists in the tavern wake up from their dreams, lying on the bed, Yang Jiang, who was about to get up to wash, yawned lazily, and just opened the quilt. Benedict~' A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"The door is unlocked, come in!" Xu Yi thought it was Yang Jiang who was a younger brother and didn't care, but the figure who walked in from the door was the eldest brother Zhang Nan who had just worshipped yesterday!

"Huh! Big brother, why are you here?" Yang Jiang greeted Zhang Nan with a smile, and told him to sit down quickly, while he hurriedly got out of bed and washed quickly.

He faintly remembered what Big Brother Zhang Nan had said to himself after he was drunk yesterday, so busy! He must help!

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