Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1591: Falsehood

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, don't worry, isn't it just taking refuge in our sect, a trivial matter! We honor so many resources to the government every year and we use it at this time!

Besides, we have recruited a lot of desperadoes in our sect recently. I use this to talk to the master, and he will agree. "

After washing Yang Jiang, he tied his hairpin in front of the bronze mirror, and his loose and flowing Taoist robe flew from the head of the bed to his shoulder with one hand.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zhang Nan was rather embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and hesitated: "Or... Yang Jiang... forget it.

You can arrange a small school for me to hide. I will leave after this period of limelight has passed, and I will definitely not involve you. "

"Big brother!" Yang Jiang said with a look of anger on his face, and said in a somewhat eager tone: "Is it possible that the big brother looks down on the little brother?

As an eight-foot-tall man, the younger brother should be the first to bow to the elder brother. The elder brother even said that he was afraid of implicating the younger brother. Doesn't he treat the younger brother as a brother? "

Zhang Nan let out a faint sigh, his eyes flushed, he stood up and walked to Yang Jiang and gave him a strong hug.

"Big brother naturally treats you as a brother, but I am a desperate man, wanted by the government. If you take me in and make you hurt, how can I be a big brother!"

Yang Jiang's eyes flushed red by Zhang Nan's heart-wrenching words. He silently patted his elder brother's back, and his brother's loyalty was suddenly alive.

In the end, Zhang Nan and Yang Jiang talked for a long time, until Yang Jiang’s fellow junior knocked on the door and urged him to stop. Zhang Nan patted Yang Jiang’s hand and sighed. He couldn’t help but feel a trace of guilt in his heart. For the task, he was really willing to recognize the brother Yang Jiang.

When the gloomy sky and the feather-like snow were slightly smaller, Yang Jiang and his group wore a hat, mounted a horse, and embarked on their return journey south.

Of course, Zhang Nan was also among them, and she was also surrounded by several young people enthusiastically admiring tea and handing water, so happy.

All the people in the group are capable cultivators, using their spiritual power to nourish the horses underneath them, day and night, but they rushed to a pier near the sea on the 6th or 7th.

Shuttles of densely packed awning boats drove back and forth on the vast sea. Yang Jiang rode a horse and walked up to the pier, his **** bend slightly, his mouth bulged and he blew: ‘咻~~Law! ’

A sharp whistle resounded across the sea, but within three to five minutes, a golden fast boat not far from the shore galloped towards Yang Jiang.

"It turned out to be Brother Yang! Come please." The helm of the golden fast boat is a burly man. His skin is rough, his vigor is sharp, and his shiny eyes are full of respect for Yang Jiang.

Yang Jiang nodded slightly at him, turned around and rode the horse to meet Zhang Nan. He and Zhang Nan rode side by side, and the corners of his mouth were full of enthusiastic smiles.

"Brother Zhang Nan, the island on which a tall red tower stands is our Canglangmen. This is the outer disciple who is responsible for driving the spirit boat."

Yang Jiang pointed here and a little bit there like a guide, carefully introducing everything to Zhang Nan, while the dark-skinned man standing on the bow of the boat stared at Zhang Nan in surprise.

What is the origin of this northern barbarian? Can Brother Yang, who is in the top 30 in the inner door, be his guide? !

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