Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1592: Canglangmen

"Brother, let's get on the boat, this golden spirit boat is very fast, but in a moment, you will be able to reach the sect." Yang Jiang got off his horse and handed the reins to the outer disciple standing by the dock. He was half a step behind, please first Zhang Nan got on the boat.

Zhang Nan declined, but Yang Jiang could only take a big step, and took the lead on the bow of the golden spirit boat. As for the rest of Yang Jiang’s other juniors, all of them were carrying baggage and smiling to Zhang Nan. All kinds of interesting things of Zongmen.

The rough man at the helm was full of doubts, but he only thought about it for a while, then shook his head and focused on steering the spirit boat. He was not qualified to know these things as an outside disciple.

Sitting on the bow of the spirit boat, Zhang Nan looked at the magnificent tower in front of him, and a touch of tension involuntarily emerged in his heart. Many of his secrets were hidden under the skin of a human being.

The various secret treasures given by the storage ring group have amazing effects. In the past two months, he has never been discovered by anyone.

But now... he is a little worried. There are countless people in this sect. If someone sees through his disguise, then he is definitely dead.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help squeezing his right hand. The skin of Zhang Nan, who had the same name and surname as him, was mortal skin.

The two months of running around, although not overwhelmed, but there is indeed a gap in the palm of the right hand, I hope no one can find it.

"Brother Zhang Nan, here we are!"

When Zhang Nan heard the sound, he raised his head, and a magnificent mountain gate with an astonishingly heavy historical heritage rushed towards him. The suffocating mental pressure caused Zhang Nan's eyes to suddenly squeeze a few bloodshots,'Canglang Gate' The three vigorous characters like a dragon-shaped tiger plate deeply shocked his mind.

At this moment, there was a sudden coolness from his spiritual platform, and the cyclical spiritual power in his body instantly recovered his spirit from the weight of this weight, and his eyes slowly became clear.

Standing by the side, Yang Jiang watched Zhang Nan's changes in just a few moments, and couldn't help but clap his hands and exclaimed: "Big Brother Zhang Nan, it is the first time I have seen an outsider who can wake up instantly under the weight of the mountain gate.

Last time, there was an unsatisfactory trash, and he stood at the gate of the mountain for a full quarter of an hour. Qiqiao was bleeding and he didn't know whether it was because some of our inner disciples couldn't see it. That helped him get rid of the mental pressure. "

"Xiaojiang! Your sect is indeed a big sect, it is much stronger than our northern sect. At least I have traveled through the entire northwest, and I haven't seen any sect with such a magnificent mountain gate!"

Zhang Nan admired a few words longingly, and the smile on Yang Jiang's mouth never stopped, "Brother, with your talent level, if you can be born a few years earlier, I am afraid you will be the true disciple of the head. When the time comes, We all have to call you brother, brother."

After a few jokes, the original serious atmosphere became relaxed again, and several of Yang Jiang's juniors rushed to introduce Zhang Nan to various scenery on the island.

When he was almost halfway up the mountain, Yang Jiang waved his hand and asked a few juniors to hand over the task first, while he took Zhang Nan to settle down first.

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, you can live with me for some time in the future. I am also quiet here, and there is no one to disturb me." Yang Jiang led Zhang Nan to a two-story wooden building, hooked Zhang Nan's shoulders and pushed the door away. Go in.

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