Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1593: Human cloning

The fresh and elegant small wooden building is surrounded by a fence made of a special pear wood. Open the courtyard door to enter. There are winding and quiet paths and rockery rocks with gurgling water.

In a handful of clear sweet springs, there are five or six brightly colored and graceful koi. The breeze blows and a few branches and leaves are swaying. It is really a quiet and good place to live.

Zhang Nan stood at the entrance of the small courtyard, feeling a little confused. Yang Jiang, who hooked his neck, elbows his stomach, and said with a smile: "How about it, Big Brother Zhang Nan, this place of my little brother is considered a good place to live." Not bad, right?"

Zhang Nan suddenly recovered, and nodded uncontrollably, and said in a slightly hopeful tone: "Brother Yang Jiang, your residence is really good."

Most of Zhang Nan's words came from the sincerity, but within the sphere of influence of the Penglai immortal, in this picturesque courtyard, he might not be able to do it leisurely.

Now I don't know if my identity as an enemy from another world has been seen through. Maybe I will go to see Yang Jiang's master, and I will not live in this elegant courtyard, but a damp cell.

"Big Brother Zhang Nan, take a break first. I have already given my master a voice transmission. He told us to pass in half an hour... By the way, my master seems to be very interested in you, Big Brother."

Yang Jiang’s unintentional remarks caused Zhang Nan’s back to burst into a cold sweat. He smiled stiffly at the corners of his mouth, trying his best to hide the fear in his heart, pretending to be happy, and said: "This can't be better. Me too. I really want to see Brother Yang Jiang, your master, his old man must be a very capable person."

Yang Jiang nodded naturally, "Of course, my master is the number one master among the eight elders. The Sanjue sword technique that kills three thousand barbarians with one sword is unique in the world!"

Zhang Nan took advantage of the trend and praised a few words. In his words, he asked about his master's personality.

He silently rubbed a ring on his finger, and his fingertips lit a small inscription. The dark black light flashed by. He couldn't help aiming at the distance with his left light, hoping that the think tank of the insect group could come up with it. A good way to solve the predicament you are facing now.

‘Ding—ding! The reminder of the Ring of Dominance sounded, and Wang Mang wore a big cloak of bearskin, standing arrogantly on the hard ground, staring at the slightly thin figure in front of him, overflowing with murderous intent.

Surrounded by a group of people in black with worm pattern evil spirit masks, half-drawn samurai swords, vicious eyes.

As long as the thin figure has any intention to move, they will let this overwhelming enemy know how cruel the most infamous black team in the Shadow Department is!

The winter wind was bleak and icy, and the biting wind blew like a steel knife on the thin man in a sweater, and he couldn't help shivering.

There was a strange, neurotic smile on his flushed cheeks. He stared at Wang Mang with a pair of dead fish eyes, and stared at Wang Mang without saying a word.

Wang Mang looked at the strange man in front of him and said indifferently, "This is the third time, how many of you have you cloned? Does this make sense?!"

"Hehe!" The thin and weird man laughed grinningly, and drew a short knife from his waist, like a desperate mad dog, and rushed towards Wang Mang.

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