Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1603: Liao Zicha

Two or three days after the high-level insect group discussion luncheon surrounding the Zhouying clones, a huge, shocking reward spread out from the hidden black market in each gathering place.

Anyone who can provide the exact location of Zhouying Clone Lab will be paid 10 million Golden Dragon Coins!

Anyone who can lead the members of the worm group to successfully wipe out the Zhouying Laboratory can get a full reward!

Hundreds of foreign slaves, the privileges randomly selected in the treasure house of the insect group are like a piece of fragrant fat on the chopping board. Every greedy hyena that acts on the black market is drooling and wants to pounce on it and take a bite. .

As a result, the dark side of the entire Huaxia gathering place was boiling, and countless abilities full of longing and hope were constantly patrolling the familiar city.

Their sharp and greedy eyes never let go of any place where the laboratory might be hidden, and some search teams have found another way, deep into the wilderness and dense forests, and picked the kind of safe and secret cave exploration.

As for some high-level abilities who are extremely active in the black market, they also acted quickly for this huge reward, and their methods are more clever than others.

In a quiet teahouse in Canghai City, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face and plain clothes squinted his eyes and raised his leg to the second floor.

In a quiet afternoon, the second floor of the teahouse was as quiet and empty as the first floor. Only on the counter, a young man dressed as a junior was dozing off his chin.

When Xiaoer heard the footsteps of the middle-aged man going upstairs, he rubbed his eyes, patted his cheek with both hands and tried to wake himself up.

When he saw the middle-aged figure, he also habitually showed a professional smile, "Master, please sit down and drink something?"

"Do you have Liao Zicha?!"

Xiao Er heard the words and saw the newly seated middle-aged man slipping his hand holding the tea bowl and teapot to a sudden stop, the professional smile on his face stiffened.

He quickly put the tea bowl in front of the middle-aged man's table, and poured him a cup of ordinary hot tea with the teapot, "Liao Zi tea, there is, but the price is not cheap."

"Is this enough?!" The middle-aged man didn't say much, but frowned slightly, and directly took out a stack of gold tickets with a large denomination from the storage ring. At a glance, it is estimated that there are no fewer than twenty.

Xiao Er just glanced at it with a smile, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, guest officer, it's almost that way!"

The ordinary-faced middle-aged man with sharp eyes like falcons stared at Xiao Er's face suddenly, he sneered twice, and said in a slightly angry tone:

"You guys are really dark enough. A cup of Liao Zi tea is sold at this price?! Aren't you afraid that there is no business?"

"Hey!" Xiao Er smiled to himself, "It's not a problem, you worry about it, uncle. Although there are not many people who drink Liaozi tea in the past few days, there are still three to five people.

You also know the rules of our teahouse. After this period of time, you can't drink it anymore if you want to drink it! "

The middle-aged man glanced at him coldly, then took out three hundred-yuan gold tickets from the storage ring, and said coldly: "Plus these, is it enough!?"

"Enough!" Xiao Er put away the money and took out a storage ring from his pocket. With a flash of inspiration, he put an envelope tanned with purple dragon vines on the table.

There are two drops of fiery red sealing wax on the seal of the envelope. "Uncle, you came by a coincidence. This is already the sixth seal. You will be disappointed if you are one step later!"

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