Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1604: Leaving the teahouse

An envelope is worth thousands of gold dragon coins. The envelope tanned by purple dragon vine has a high degree of confidentiality. One minute after the sealing wax is opened, the unique spontaneous characteristics of the purple dragon vine will take effect. .

However, the sealing wax of this kind of envelope is not very tight, it is possible that if you put it in your pocket, it will fall off automatically due to friction.

Therefore, that kind of grabbing method is generally invalid for envelopes tanned with purple dragon vines. After all, any grabbing action will not be too small. Once the sealing wax falls off, the envelope can spontaneously ignite.

The middle-aged man sitting at a wooden table waited to pick up the envelope on the table, and ignored the mistress beside him. He peeled off the sealing wax a little anxiously, and hurriedly removed the envelope along the traces of the folded envelope. open.

Rows of neat small letters in italics filled the inside of the envelope. The middle-aged man stared at the italics attentively, his lips murmured unconsciously, as if he wanted to take advantage of just a few tens of seconds to reenact these words. Into the mind.

As a supernatural person, the middle-aged man's brain power is undoubtedly very powerful. He carefully examined the envelope for more than ten seconds, and then silently the envelope full of letters was pressed upside down on the table.

Gradually, the surface of the envelope's purple leather began to heat up, and the heat quickly increased, and it soon became hot.

The middle-aged man slowly raised his hand, "Wow! With a sound, the purple envelope spontaneously ignited suddenly without wind, turning into a pile of flying ash at an extremely fast speed.

Standing on the edge of the wooden table, Xiao Er smiled and slid the teapot, and filled the cold tea cup in front of the middle-aged man with some hot water. He looked at the middle-aged man’s expressionless face, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Master, how does this fresh Liaozi tea taste in our teahouse?!"

The middle-aged man glanced sideways at Xiao Er, and suddenly stood up. He said with a cold face and angrily: "The tea in your restaurant is pretty good, but the price is really disgusting."

"You get what you pay for, if we ask for a lower price, isn't it just a few people drinking your Liaozi tea?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand at random and walked directly downstairs. When he reached the first floor, he was still deserted as always, without a single customer.

This is not surprising. This teahouse was originally a black shop. Apart from the most common broken tea leaves, there are no Longjing or Dahongpao in the shop.

But this black shop can survive, and even survive very well. Naturally, it depends on the big income-generating head-Liao Zicha!

Said it is tea, in fact, it is just a kind of slang. One piece of information is divided into six pieces, and one piece sells for thousands of golden dragon coins. If it were not for the huge reward issued by the insect group, he would not spend such a large price to buy one intelligence!

However, high asking prices do have reasons for high asking prices. This underground organization with teahouses as an intelligence base is extremely powerful.

From the changes at the top of the Human Alliance to the trivial things in the neighborhoods, as long as you spend money, they can tell you everything in detail.

The information contained in the envelope is the most high-end. Six copies of this information are sold. This information will be erased from their account records forever, and the information backup will also be deleted. This high price will naturally be flat. Spread on top of six envelopes.

The middle-aged man walked out of the door of the teahouse with his mind. He frowned, thinking in his heart. After all, if the information is correct, Zhou Ying's laboratory is most likely to be there.

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