Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1609: You also deserve

When the figure of the black-clothed man wearing the insect mask disappeared, the two rows of swordsmen on the ruined square were startled by cold sweat.

The strength of the people present is not low, they are all supernatural beings above the sixth order. It is precisely because of their understanding that they felt scared, and with their eyesight they did not even see the swift slash that cut the stunned head.

The man in black really looked like a ghost, appearing abruptly, disappearing abruptly, but the bloody, deadly corpse and the harsh and indifferent eyes when he looked back still linger.

"This is especially the black team of the insect group!" The thin man gritted his teeth and muttered.

He had dealt with these notorious assassins before, and he never wanted to experience the ghostly method and the horror of cutting his neck with a sharp blade!

Fatty's face is also ugly, everyone from the insect group is here, which means that this reward feast is no longer qualified for them to compete.

The head of the strongest power on the dark side of China is still the leader of the human alliance. How can they do it? Are you extinct from human society?

What's more, it is the black-clothed squad that is the most notorious in the worm group. The members of their team are not only powerful but also extremely cruel assassination methods. However, all the doors are destroyed, regardless of men and women, young and old, slave servants, even a guardian wolf dog. , I have to split my head with a knife before leaving.

"Give you ten minutes, pack up and get out, here, our black team has taken over!"

On a large leafy tree in the dense forest, a man in black with his arms folded on his chest, with only a cold voice in his eyes, said, a breeze blew by, and the tree canopy covered the branches of the tree. , If there are more than 20 black-clothed assassins.

"Huh! Let's go!" The thin man snorted dissatisfiedly, and didn't dare to complain. He immediately took the flames from his body, and led the fat man with a blood knife in his right hand and walked towards the gathering place.

The original piece of sweet pastry has now fallen into other people's bowls. If you don't leave, you still have to keep it.

Compared with the decisive departure of the fat and thin duo, the handsome young man who led the team of more than a dozen people was a little unhappy.

Several discerning thugs looked at his son, and for fear that he would be muddled, they grabbed his hand and anxiously persuaded him: "My son, let's go quickly too. It is better to do more than to do less."

"Yes, young master, let's go out as a tourist, let's go quickly."

The several supernaturalists who persuaded the handsome youth are all experienced veterans. They have been mixed in the dark side all the year round, and their understanding of the black team is really deep into the bone!

Of course the handsome young man knew that these men around him were right, but he was not reconciled.

He gritted his teeth and looked up at the man in black in the direction of the dense forest. He plucked up the courage and shouted in spite of dissuasion: "My lord of the insect group, can we also join the search? If our people find Zhou Ying's Lab, we offer a bounty and we will get three achievements!"

The previous few abilities who tried to persuade them to no avail, saw that their son had even said this kind of bastard, his face was immediately frightened.

After hearing the words, the black-clothed man standing on the tree trunk laughed arrogantly, and said unceremoniously as if he had opened the scar: "Is it you worthy?"

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