Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1610: suspended animation

These four words uttered from the mocking mouth of the man in black made the face of the handsome young man speaking red and white.

When he dealt with the fat and thin duo before, he dared to succumb to the casualties to find some face, but now, facing the black team of the insect group, he does not have the guts.

"Young Master, since all the adults in the insect group have spoken, let's go quickly."

An older man beside the handsome young man was full of tension in his eyes, pulling his son in fear, and regardless of his opinion, he directly dragged him towards the outskirts of the ruins of the town.

The remaining dozen or so abilities were also extremely embarrassed when they saw this, and they greeted the man in black with a smile and greeted them twice, before fleeing and slipping away in general.

The man in black, code-named ‘Ghost’, watched the group leave, the indifferent color in his eyes never passed away. When the figure of the last person disappeared in the dense forest, his pupils shrank slightly, revealing a trace of murderous intent.

"You! Follow up and find out their identities. When this operation is over, we will settle with them again!"

Ghost Ying said harshly to one of his subordinates. He has always been a master who must repay him. If it weren't because this action was too critical, he wouldn't let the **** leave.

"Now everyone is radiating from the base point of Area B. In a quarter of an hour, I want to see Zhou Ying's laboratory!"

As soon as the ghost image's voice fell, the two dozen people in black who were translucent in the forest nodded indifferently, their eyes flashed ruthlessly, and disappeared into the forest.

Still in that abandoned residential building, Zhu Xu, who hung upside down on the ceiling like a gecko, heard the conversation on the square without missing a word. He was a little nervous, and his palm against the cold cement secreted more. Pungent mucus.

The moment the scent emitted by this special liquid meets the air, a wonderful chemical reaction occurs. The stinking odor becomes more obvious in the corridors that originally exudes corruption and choking breath.

Zhu Xu's clothes had already faded away, leaving only a piece of fully armed soft armor.

The attribute of this soft armor is good at hiding. When combined with Zhu Xu's ability, the state of hiding becomes more perfect. Even if the ability players of the same level stare at him carefully, they may not be able to see the slightest. Clues.

Soon, a faint sound of footsteps came from the top of the stairs, and a man in black with a vigorous figure and a worm pattern mask entered the corridor with an extremely strange posture.

The doors of the damp rooms were quickly opened, often only a few moments before the black-clothed people who had just entered the room quickly left.

After dozens of seconds, this indifferent, ghostly figure in black, checked all the rooms on this floor.

When he was about to step on the stairs and was about to go to the upper floor, Zhu Xu's tense mood finally slowly relaxed.

But at this moment, the man in black who was half-footed up the steps looked back suspiciously, he walked back to the corridor again, his indifferent eyes became full of doubts.

Watching this scene, Zhu Xu felt extremely agitated, and an unprecedented sense of crisis came to his mind.

His breath-holding technique can directly turn him into a cold-blooded animal, without body temperature, breathing, or heartbeat. Feign death in this special state can't even be detected by monsters. How can this man in black notice the clues? ? !

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