Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1615: Rebirth Zhou Ying

He didn't know what kind of monsters could make the most infamous black team of the Insect group almost attrition. With the strength of Tier 6, how could the men in black, who are nearly perfect in abilities and skills, be bombarded like a dead dog. Come out.

There were some ice scum on the beard of Zhu Xu's jaw. These ice scum were created by abilities. Obviously, it was the man in black who was holding an ice knife in his hand to perform the abilities.

He squatted on the wall, his previous thoughts about wealth and danger had been completely forgotten.

He doesn't know how powerful the monster is, but he knows how big the gap between the sixth and fifth peaks is. The tunnel in front is dead if you go! It is absolutely impossible to live with his strength.

After thinking about it, Zhu Xu, a tiger rushing for food, half-squatting like a wild wolf hungry, suddenly jumped into the tunnel, confiscated and raised and crawled out of the bright pit quickly.

"No matter how good the nose of a hound is, it can't be better than a clever and cunning hunter, Wang Mang hounds, it's really not easy for you to find here, but it's still a step too late."

"Tu-yin!" A whisper seemed to have some magic power, including Zhu Xu. Everyone in the tunnel, no matter how far or near, could clearly hear this whisper like the Sanskrit sound of the Buddha.

"Bang!" Zhu Xu, who had just climbed out of the pothole and had not had time to run two steps, was lifted into the sky by a terrifying explosion from the ground.

The flying mud, the cracked gravel, and countless bones and corpses, some fresh, and some withered and rotten, were all exposed to the sun at this moment.

At this time, there was only a small piece of the ruins of the original huge town, and this small piece of ruins was still blown away by the aftermath of the explosion. The rest seems to be... only one pit, one kilometer in diameter. The super big pit.

At the bottom of the pit, a man covered with exoskeleton armor and a very familiar temperament stood proudly with his arms folded. Opposite him were seven or eight men in black who were supporting each other, their clothes stained with blood, and their expressions were extremely dignified and tired.

Their leader ghost held a purple stone in his hand, and the deep purple protective cover formed by this special stone barely allowed them to survive this terrifying explosion.

The black-clothed people wrapped in the protective shield are shouting at the Ring of Doom at this moment, A-level crisis, all members of the nearby Shadow Department regardless of strength, regardless of identity, must immediately rush to help, all members of the insect group, including the special guards of the forbidden area, Go to the crisis scene as soon as possible.

"No matter how much you come, it won't be enough to kill, let your leader come, only he can have a chance of winning against me,"

Zhou Ying's words were extremely arrogant. He was so arrogant and arrogant that Zhou Ying was so arrogant that he was a far cry from the thin, thin body and smile on his face who was wearing only a blue sweater.

Is it because he became brainless after the experiment was successful, or is it because he really has the power to fight thousands or even tens of thousands of enemies? Judging from the casualties of the black team, it seems that the latter is more likely.

"Zhou Ying!" Zhu Xu, who was lifted into the sky by the explosion, spat out blood with a pale face. He lay on the pile of rocks and stared at Zhou Ying, who was wearing an exoskeleton armor, timidly and shockedly.

Zhu Xu panicked. For the first time he panicked Liushen Wuzhu. At the very least, the black-clothed squad of the insect group still makes sense. If this group of black-clothed people die, then why would he still be alive? !

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