Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1616: Ideological controversy

In Gushan City, in a bedroom with bright and clean windows, the lazy winter sun shines directly on the floor through the glass, and the reflected room is warm.

Leaning on the recliner and swaying faintly, enjoying this quiet and comfortable lunch break, the burden of the worm group and the human alliance is too heavy... Almost every night, I have to stay up late to consider various matters about the organization. Therefore, This rare lunch break is even more precious.

Fu Wendao, who has always been the key to the logistics of Wang Mang and even the entire worm group, will generally guard the door at this point. If it is not an extremely important matter, he will not let people disturb the leader's rare peace.

‘Tuk~Tuk! The sound of the knuckles knocking on the wooden door caused Wang Mangyouyou who was leaning on the recliner to wake up. He opened his eyes slightly and said indifferently, "Please come in!"

Fu Wendao, who had a rickety back, pushed open the door eagerly, holding a note in his hands, his old legs quickly ran to Wang Mang's side, and he passed the note. Wang Mang just glanced at it and immediately sat upright. .

There was only a short sentence on the note: Zhou Ying was reborn, asking for help.

"Unexpectedly, it makes sense!" Wang Mang squinted his eyes slightly, and a shadow of darkness penetrated through his dark pupils. When the last clone struck, he knew that Zhou Ying was not far from rebirth. He didn't expect that. This step will be so fast.

"The original clone was still the fifth-tier peak, now he should be sixth-tier now, right?" Wang Mang seemed to be talking to himself and he seemed to ask Fu Wendao next to him.

"This...it's hard to say, the leader." Fu Wendao responded in embarrassment, and Wang Mang nodded slightly with a blank face. It seemed that he was too strong to assess his level.

"Call Bai Jue, I'll go there first." Wang Mang commanded Fu Wendao, and he disappeared directly on the recliner. He disappeared out of thin air, without even opening the door.


The palpitation and panic pit was filled with various corpses with broken arms, and countless roaring and charging abilities were only palmed by Zhou Ying in the exoskeleton armor, and they were shocked into flesh and blood in the sky.

The full black team suffered heavy casualties, and only ghosts and a few backbones with the numbers at the beginning of the cross were left in the pit. They were barely alive. They said they were barely wounded to die.

Zhou Ying, who seemed to be leaping in the leisurely courtyard of her back garden, watched the "beautiful scenery" beside her, and smiled arrogantly.

"I don't want to say too much, you are just dogs, I just want to see your master, know? Dogs are not qualified to get along with people on an equal footing!"

"Really? I happen to think so too!" A golden vortex suddenly flashed, and a child-sized figure suddenly rushed into Wang Mang's palm. Zhou Ying looked up and laughed heartily for the first time.

"Unexpectedly, Wang Mang, your strength is so diligent, the female worms are transformed...but you know, your path is wrong, I am the real worm master, I am the real worm The path that the teacher should take!"

After speaking, Zhou Ying's tone suddenly rose, his eyes looked directly at Wang Mang through the dark glass of the battle armor, full of firmness and coldness.

This is a battle of ideas between the two insect masters, except that Zhou Ying lost last time, and this time I don't know who will win.

Wang Mang did not directly refute Zhou Ying. Instead, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and asked: "I'm curious, why did you hide in a defenseless armor after a successful experiment? After all, you are still a loser. "

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