Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1620: Missing

"I lost..." The simple three words from Zhou Ying's mouth were full of bitterness. He couldn't make any subtle expressions on his skinless face, but his eyes were long gone. God, there is nothing left.

A pair of Luoluo armor tightly wrapped around Wang Mang's body, his footsteps firm, he held the evil dragon halberd in his left hand, and the sharp halberd blade faced Zhou Ying.

Three steps, two steps, one step, when Wang Mang walked in front of Zhou Ying, the evil dragon halberd danced into a semicircle, penetrating his head with the might of Huashan.

"I lost... Hehe, it seems that I am really going to die this time. How could I lose? I clearly planned everything. There shouldn't be a person like Wang Mang in this world. It's not me who is wrong, it should be the wrong one. It's this world."

At the time of life and death, Zhou Ying muttered to herself, and kept thinking about everything in her past life in her mind.

The qi carried by the weighty evil dragon halberd cut his skin like a knife. When the halberd blade was about to fall on his head, Zhou Ying looked up and smiled. The two rows of white and cold teeth were as before. .

"I'm dead, and you won't be better. Tianyin)-Wan Chong!

The curse sound like a Sanskrit sound fell, and Zhou Ying's body suddenly cracked countless gaps. The criss-cross gaps were filled with dark light. The moment the halberd blade cuts on the top of his head, ‘Boom! The horrible explosion engulfed the entire coast.

The gloomy light changes from one extreme to another extreme, and the dazzling strong light is like a bursting sun, destroying it for hundreds of miles!

"Boom!" The waves slammed into a huge pit, and they were shattered by the explosion from the bottom of the sea. A large number of shattered fish and shrimps surfaced on the water. The huge pit was poured with countless seawater in an instant. The terrifying whirlpool swept all the fish and shrimps on the sea.

Zhou Ying was dead...but Wang Mang, who cut the last halberd, was lost in the explosion.


"Tsk, I'm still a step late." His long eyes with steel armor and mace floated up from the surging sea, looking at the almost terrifying battlefield, and sighed with lingering fears.

A general next to him, looking at the seawater flowing back into the pit, said with some worry: "Brother Wang Mang will be fine, right? The explosion just now was terrifying."

With long eyes like chopsticks, he glanced at his companion next to him, seemingly comforting and talking to himself:

"It should be fine. You don't know the strength of Brother Wang Mang. What's more, he wears Luoluo armor, his body is already detached, and even his recovery ability is guaranteed by the essence of the Dragon Pond. It is estimated that he was shaken by the aftermath. Dizzy, let's dive into the sea and look for it."

"You two go to the shore to find, and follow me to search the rest carefully along the coastline!" After Longyan ordered the brothers behind him, Yima dived into the sea and carefully searched for Wang Mang's trail.

‘Boom! The sky became gloomy, thick dark clouds piled together, and occasionally dazzling thunder lights flashed out of the clouds following the sound of thunder.

Ten minutes later, the big raindrops fell suddenly, and the long eyes gathered together under the heavy rain became a little anxious, and they couldn't find it! Where did Brother Wang Mang go, how could he not find it? !

"Fifth, seventh, go back and call all the young ones, and search along the coast! This is the order of the Dragon King. You must find Big Brother Wang Mang within six hours."

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