Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1621: When false is true

Zhou Ying detonated her body and his insect pattern space, and countless carefully cultivated insects in the insect pattern space all blew themselves up at that moment.

The pits created by the superposition of countless explosions are really comparable to the impact of a small meteorite on the earth, and Wang Mang, who fell into a coma, was overturned by the silt, and the inverted seawater was deeply buried in the ground.

The density and quality of the Luoluo armor covering his body is surprisingly superhuman. Such a terrifying explosion only melted his thick breastplate by more than three inches, while the limbs and head armor were unexpectedly not destroyed. It's just some not serious deformation.

Wang Mang, who was tightly wrapped in silt, reduced his physical consumption involuntarily, his heartbeat became extremely slow, and he fell into another dream in a coma.

The dream this time was similar to that in Longshi. His worm mark was about to awaken again. Zhou Ying was the only worm master in the world besides Wang Mang.

When he died, the worm master became the only one, and a special power from worm patterns caused him to undergo unpredictable changes in his dreams.


It was another autumn in the summer and winter, and Wang Mang, who was sleeping in class, was a little confused.

The window seemed to be open, and the cool autumn breeze was blowing into the classroom. He tightened his coat tightly, turned his head and changed his position to continue sleeping, ‘huh? ’Here...Where is it? !

Half-opened Wang Mang sat up abruptly, raised his head, and looked at the strange scene in the classroom with shock and surprise.

Standing on the podium holding a chalk, the old professor with various mechanical terms in his mouth drooped his eyes, pushed his reading glasses, looked at Wang Mang who suddenly woke up, and said nothing, his writing on the blackboard did not stop at all.

"Hey! Wang Mang, where will you go to eat at noon later, or if you take your girlfriend with you later, let's go eat that little fat lamb?

The meat there is really good, very tender, if it wasn't for my stomach a little uncomfortable last time, hey, what do you think? Let me tell you about eating hot pot. "

Sitting next to Wang Mang, a young man sliding Apple Eight, wiped his meticulously large back, and while speaking, seeing Wang Mang next to him didn't respond, he couldn't help poking his left rib with his finger.

"En?! Eat hot pot, okay!" Wang Mang frowned and answered casually. His mind was a little confused at this time. Is this rebirth of himself again?

Am I killed by Zhou Ying? It shouldn't be. I wear armor on my body. My body is harder than armor. How could I die? !

Wang Mang turned his head to look at the classroom he was staying in doubt. There were more than 30 students playing with their mobile phones, and the few in the last row were still wearing headphones.

A few people sat together, but it was not angrily that a few whispered curses: "Damn, the AWM from the other side exploded my second-level head with a shot, come and help me!"

What is this world? ! I don’t know them, who are they? How come none of my high school classmates are my high school classmates, and I don't even know this place!

"Tingling bell~~! "Let's go, Wang Mang, you call your girlfriend and I will pick up my wife."

With his big back combed, Li Xiaonian in Nike casual clothes took the unopened textbook on his desk, took out a packet of Yuxi from his pocket and handed it to Wang Mang. He also lighted it with a lighter in his mouth.

"Hurry up, and meet at the school gate later!" Li Xiaonian, who left the classroom with a cigarette, yelled to Wang Mang, and went down the stairs to find his girlfriend.

The other classmates also left in twos and threes, but Wang Mang, the shock in his heart never faded.

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