Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1634: False is also true

Li Xiaonian on the side opened his eyes wide, full of excitement and envy. He couldn't help but pick up the phone and then put it down, as if thinking of something, his excited expression suddenly wilted.

He grabbed his hair with both hands and looked up at the sky with eyes full of pain, "Wang Mang, I'm starting to be jealous of you, and I want to have a good father like your father."

Li Xiaonian's girlfriend also agreed and nodded in agreement, and then a trace of distress appeared on her small face:

"Yes, Wang Mang, your dad is so good. Like my dad, I asked him to buy me a bag for a long time. Whenever my dad can give me money without hesitation, let me buy bags and clothes. What about cosmetics."

"By the way, Sister Ying. Does your dad usually give you money?" Li Xiaonian's girlfriend looked at the elegant and beautiful Liu Ying with little stars in her eyes.

Xiaoying smiled and shook her head, "My dad never gave me money."

"Let me just say, it must be Wang Mang, your father and mother spoil you too much. Sister Ying's family is more strict. In fact, college students can live independently without a penny at home. That is really better than the same age. People are good."

When Li Xiaonian heard Liu Ying say this, his heart seemed to be more balanced, and his languid expression became a little more angry, as if he was resurrected, and even planned to light up the cigarette... But Liu Ying's words have not been finished yet. .

"My dad doesn't give me money, but he gave me a secondary card, saying that he can use it casually, but it's good to spend no more than five million a month."

Li Xiaonian was stunned, and even the fire from the lighter in his hand was blown out by a breeze. Does this make people live? ! These two are too evil.

After speaking, Liu Ying and Wang Mang looked at each other, Wang Mang smiled brilliantly, and she saw a hint of playfulness and childishness in her eyes. Liu Ying seemed to wink Wang Mang with joy after the successful prank.

that's nice! If there is no eruption in the last days, this is the life that I most dream of and yearn for.

You can live with your favorite lover, your family is rich, and you don’t have to worry about your livelihood. If you graduate from university, you can also take a round-the-world trip with Xiaoying to see the unique scenery all over the world.

Wang Mang remembered his experience of struggling, hesitating, and surviving in the last days and shook his head subconsciously. It should be just a dream, maybe it's a parallel time and space, but what does it have to do, to be able to live happily like this , Isn't it really happy.

From this moment on, Wang Mang had been very careful about the world, carefully observing whether the world was an illusory soap bubble, and his thoughts disappeared. He really wanted to live like this and live happily all the time.

"Let's go! Xiaoying, let's go buy a car, Xiaonian, take your girlfriend. You also go with us, let's go for a drive together when we pick up the car."

"Okay, let's go!"

Time flies quickly, Wang Mang mentioned a high-end Mercedes-Benz car, taking advantage of the four years of university vacation with Xiaoying driving to all the cities in the province.

They have seen beautiful gardens in Linzhou with falling snow, drank beer on the streets of Pengcheng in the early morning, ate the overnight market, and admired the majestic heritage left over from thousands of years of history on the walls of Nancheng.

Soon after graduating from university, the two of them walked into the marriage hall under the common blessing of their parents. In the solemn church, Wang Mang looked at the beautiful and incomprehensible Xiaoying, who was wearing a wedding dress in front of him, suddenly trance. After a while, he was stunned while exchanging the ring.

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