Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1635: unwilling

Several tan age spots have grown on Wang Mang's face, which is nearly old. The folds in the corners of his eyes and rough dry yellow skin indicate that his body is no longer young.

Especially his hair, although it's not so pale, but there are indeed a lot of white hair. His half-closed eyes are a bit muddy and tired, and his old and thin palms slowly lifted up, holding Liu Ying's hand next to him.

The orange sunset shone on him, warm, a tabby cat squatting in the yard lazily raised its paw and licked it, meowing twice.

"Sixty years... Are you really willing to go..." Liu Ying closed her eyes, a drop of crystal tears slipped quietly from the corner of her eyes, and the kind-looking old lady became extremely painful at this moment.

Instead, she grabbed Wang Mang's palm and said pleadingly, "Can we not go, you know, after we wait a hundred years, there will be reincarnation."

"I know... I know everything... If I really want to, I won't stay here for sixty years."

Wang Mang's rough palm gently stroked Liu Ying's cheek and wiped away tears from her. His voice became more gentle:

"I am very happy. I don't know whether this world is real or illusory, but it does bring me a kind of happiness that I have never had before. If there is no outbreak in the last days, then my future life will not be like now. Beautiful."

"Actually, you have long discovered that this world is not real?"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, slightly painful, but nodded slightly with self-deprecating tone, "I knew it a long time ago. From the moment we exchanged the ring, do you know? A thought came to my mind at that time. , I’m wondering what my wedding would be like if I didn’t come here."

"It's such an inexplicable thought. I woke up for the first time... I know that this world is perfect, my family is rich, my family is harmonious, and you are such a wife who loves me, what else do I have? What about the unsatisfied?

When my daughter was born, I fell asleep again. I tried my best to brainwash myself and make myself forget all that was before, because that little baby is so cute, he is my Wang Mang’s daughter. "

"That kind of connection between bone and blood really made my heart throb, and I said to myself in my heart at that time: Going to be special, the last days, this is the life I want. But slowly I Found that I can't do it.

Your daughter is older, and you are getting older. Even the old brother Wang Hu is ahead of me. I am afraid that if I don’t break free, I will really fall into it. In that real world, you and Wang Hu are still waiting. To me. "

Liu Ying, who held Wang Mang's palm tightly, sat up from the recliner and looked directly at Wang Mang's eyes.

As at the beginning, her eyes were like autumn waves, full of gentleness, her tone softened, and she even pleaded, begging the one she loves most not to leave her.

She looked at Wang Mang longingly, but Wang Mang finally shook his head.

The tears in her eyes could no longer be restrained, and they rushed out with a rush. She cried excitedly and threw away Wang Mang's hand.

"You stay, Ahu and I are with you. We are flesh and blood, and we also have feelings. No one is a robot. Why should you leave us and find them?"

"Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, sixty years! Wang Mang! Are you really willing to let it go!"

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