Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 257: Good things about cigarettes

"Sister, touch it, this material is really soft, I'm afraid it won't be necessary for the silk and satin in the city!"

"Isn't it, I went to the cloth shop in the city last time to make a full-year-old dress for my baby.

I touched the best half piece of silk in the shop. The texture is comparable to this material."

"Guest, this underwear...how much is it?" Several women chose some of the most favorite underwear. If the price is not high, then buy a set.

Wang Mang thought for a while, and quoted a not-so-high price. This batch of underwear himself didn't spend a bit of money. They were all taken from the warehouse in the Shishui shop. "Then five berries,"

When the little daughters-in-law and the eldest girl heard such a cheap price, they were not reserved. They stepped forward and selected with excitement, holding several sets of underwear tightly in their arms.

Wang Mang was a little surprised. The fox women in this secret realm seemed to have extraordinary talent and acumen in dressing up.

I didn’t say that the **** and the cover were a set. These women knew that they were worn together. It’s incredible.

The price of five berries can be considered very low,

Several homes have previously picked and dried berries, all of them quickly picked berries from their homes and came back with dried fruits.

After paying the bill, holding the underwear on the ground in his arms, hurriedly ran home and put it in a private place.

The remaining women who did not pick berries at home, and did not dry the fruit, all took other things from their homes as special products for paying the bills.

More than 100 sets of all kinds of underwear were robbed by a group of women in a blink of an eye.

Wang Mang received scattered rice and vegetables each by dozens of kilograms.

These specialties are basically exchanged by the women in each home, and those guys who are standing around watching the excitement are a bit quit.

"Guests, why are these things used by women, don't we men use them?" The men asked a little curiously when they saw the various objects on the ground.

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced at the objects he took out, and when he saw something, he suddenly smiled slightly.

"Yes! Of course there is! How could this not be possible!"

Wang Mang found a packet of Yuxi from the pile of objects, tore apart the plastic film and wrapping paper, and sent the cigarettes in the cigarette case to the hands of the men.

"Yes, **** are holding the yellow filter. The filter is facing the mouth. Come on, I'll point it on for you."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Wang Mang looked at the strangers with fox ears with cigarettes in their mouths with a bit of nasty interest, and curiously waited for him to light them up.

"Yes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly,"

Step by step, Wang Mang taught this group of fox men on the path of no return, which endangers their health.

"Hiss! Ah! I suddenly felt a little dizzy in my head, but it was a little refreshing, it was a strange feeling,"

A man obeyed Wang Mang’s teachings and inhaled half of the cigarette in one breath. He expelled two long smokes from his nostrils without a teacher.

Wang Mang looked at him even intoxicated, and swallowed secretly. Is the man of the fox tribe so mighty? This amazing lung capacity!

"It's normal to have some dizziness the first time, so it's fine to smoke a few times,"

Wang Mang slowly exhaled a breath of smoke, looking at the intoxicated, squatting rows of fox guys, he also smiled speechlessly, he seemed to have the feeling of being a bad guy.

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