Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 258: Outstanding trading results

"Warrior Wang Mang, do you still have that kind of magical item?"

A few guys threw away the cigarette butts that were inhaled by the filter, with unwillingness to give up, and their eyes were filled with dismay and desire. Good things, this is the real good things!

Wang Mang's mouth twitched, the power of this cigarette was too powerful for men.

Regardless of whether it is a human or a stranger, as long as there is sorrow in the heart, light a cigarette lonely, slowly inhale and exhale, it will indeed make the trouble disappear a little.

"Yes, this item is not cheap. A pack of 20 sticks and 20 berries,"

Wang Mang picked up more than 100 cigarettes of all kinds from the pile of items, ranging from a few dollars to a dozen dollars, and all of them costing more than twenty dollars.

Wang Mang was too lazy to score grades, and he simply unified the price-a berry,

Many male strangers saw the bags and strips of magical objects, their eyes were a bit straight, and they were no less inferior to those women who saw beautiful women.

"Guest, wait, I will bring my rice jar over,"

"Me too, you must leave me 20 packs, guest, I want to take out the vegetables stored in my cellar,"

"Don't say anything, the bearskin gown I have never been willing to wear has to be replaced with a dozen packs!"

These men who rushed home all have at least Tier 1 strength, and there are not a few Tier 2 men.

At this time, in order to change cigarettes, one by one is almost as fast as being chased by monsters and running desperately!

In just three hours, the goods presented by Wang Mang have been sold for a fraction of the time.

A pack of tea, cigarettes, a bottle of beer, white salt, crystal white sugar,

There are even bags of MSG, these items that can improve the quality of life are almost instantly sold out!

And those skirts, pants, short sleeves, clothes, etc. sell well, white paper, comics, shoes, pens, towels, toothbrushes, etc. The sales are so good that they are overwhelming.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang’s price is low.

You know, every time the villagers in Fox Village go to the city to buy some daily necessities,

The special products paid are often dozens of times the ones bought here, and the quality is not as good as the ones sold here.

But there is no way. In such a closed secret, how can daily necessities compare with the prosperous and complex inventions of the outside world?

The life experience brought by various daily necessities alone is in two orders of magnitude!

Moreover, Wang Mang is not only of good quality, but also cheap. As long as he has no problem, he knows how to choose.

Obviously these villagers and folks can calculate this simple account.

However, since most valuable things of the villagers have been bought by Wang Mang, now they only have the rice for the whole family to eat next season’s harvest in the rice tank in their home.

The remaining vegetables and berries were all sold to Wang Mang.

Wang Mang sent another batch of berries and specialty products into the storage ring.

Looking at the sun in the sky, he also straightened up, stretched his stiff waist, and made a creaking sound.

After nearly three hours of trading, I was a bit tired.

The Red Fox Village Chief Kui on the side has no time to take care of Wang Mang now. He is busy playing with the alarm clocks, nail clippers and other gadgets with a smile.

Wang Mang couldn't help but said, "Brother Red Fox, this deal ends here. I think the folks have bought everything, and I am a little lacking."

"Oh yes yes yes, look at my confused mind,

I patronized Wang Mang’s new stuff that you brought, and I forgot you all at once

Don’t say, the shoes you sell are really comfortable to wear on your feet. They are much easier to wear than the cloth shoes and woven straw sandals we made."

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