Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 259: Ziguoyong

Wang Mang also smirked twice, and even forgot about himself...forgot...

"Brother Red Fox, the transaction is almost done, I have to leave after a while,"

When Hong Hu Kui heard Wang Mang's words, his face changed, and his original brilliant smile instantly converged.

Turned to become a little anxious and sad,

"Dear Wang Mang guest, I don't know what's wrong in our Huahu Village. Why should we leave in such a hurry?"

For Honghukui, Wang Mang’s arrival is tantamount to the presence of a God of Wealth.

Those low-value dried fruits in my village can be replaced with precious little spars, which was impossible before!

Wang Mang waved his hand and said with a smile that made him feel at ease: "Brother Red Fox, it's not that the village's hospitality was improper.

But you know, Brother Red Fox, I’m from the outside world, and it’s not good to spend too much time in the secret realm. I have companions waiting for me in the outside world.

Besides, the transaction for our Huahu Village is almost completed, and I should go now. I have some things to do next."

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Honghukui was relieved immediately.

I'm really afraid of any aspect that annoys this guest who brought wealth to my village.

"In this case, I will not force you to stay as a guest, but before I leave, I want to give you a gift on behalf of the whole village.

I hope that next time you come to our world, you can come to our Huahu Village to take a look."

Hong Hukui frowned slightly, as if he had made a big decision, "Lao San, go and brew the fruit that has been stored in my cellar for 20 years!"

The people around who heard the movement were all a little surprised when they heard Hong Hukui's words.

The village chief has kept the cellar for 20 years, and he is reluctant to try a bite of the fruit stuffed! ?

Some older men who are addicted to alcohol can't help but gush their throats.

They can remember that 20 years ago, in order to celebrate Honghukui’s taking over as the village head, the old village head opened three jars of fruit stuffing in one go.

That taste...that taste...20 years! I haven't forgotten at all!

When Wang Mang saw the appearance of the people, he felt a little curious about the magic Ziguo.

The youngest who heard the village chief’s order was also stunned, and then hurriedly ran to Wang Honghukui’s home.

In a short while, he cautiously hugged a basketball-sized ceramic jar and ran slowly. The mouth of the jar was still sealed with mud.

After Wang Mang waited for the third child who was holding the jar to approach, he took a closer look and found that unusual scene.

Wang Mang was a little shocked, the free energy covering the jar was too much!

If you compare the free energy on the rice and berries to 1, then the free energy on the jar is 10,000, which is a difference of 10,000 times!

And this is just the energy covering the periphery of the jar,

Where's inside the jar? The sub-fruit brew, which has been cellared for 20 years, has been shrouded in free energy for so many years,

It's just a jar of clear water, which has been covered by the free power for 20 years, it has become a spiritual solution full of free power, right?

What's more, the sub-fruit yogurt made from berries can hold energy more than clear water.

"Brother Red Fox, this thing is too precious, I can't take it,"

Wang Mang looked at the villagers with their eyes shining, but he felt a little embarrassed.

The villagers of these fox tribes all have a kind of racially gift-like reaction to this kind of energy.

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