Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 262: Hunting the ring loach

"Roar!" Xu, who was lying on his stomach basking in the sun, was unexpectedly alert. Facing Wang Mang's swift speed, he even made effective resistance.

Its big mouth full of fangs was a subconscious bite at the black shadow flying towards him, "Boom!" A dull impact sounded,

Wang Mang’s awl-sharp tail thorn got stuck in the tightly biting mouth of the ring loach.

The sharp fangs of the fingers caught the black-green tail thorns, making a sore sound of ‘creaking’.

Wang Mang looked at the ringed loach beast with some surprise. He found that the ringed loach beast had good strength, and his reaction was quite quick.

Then feel its ferocious beast's aura,

It was a little bit dumbfounding to realize that the ring loach beast that I had unintentionally selected was still a leader-level monster beast.

Although it is not as good as the king beast that rules the entire group, the third-tier mid-level aura is solid.

The sturdy ring loach stared at Wang Mang, who was flying with his wings, with two egg-sized vertical eyes.

Seeing Wang Mang a little distracted, the huge four-to-five-meter-long body was suddenly shaken.

Wang Mang, who was hovering in the air, was caught off guard by this sudden attack.

The body covered with insect armor was also torn and lost some balance, Wang Mang was also a little angry at this time.

You can't tell the difference between the primary and secondary strengths of the third-tier mid-tier. Today, I will use you as a good start!

Wang Mang’s snake-like tail slammed straight, with three pairs of iron wings behind his back, and the vibration frequency accelerated again.

"Get it up!" Wang Mang shouted angrily, the ring loach beast weighing a few tons was taken away from the ground a little bit.

But it was still biting Wang Mang’s tail, tightly not letting go, and seemed quite ready to hold on to Qingshan not to relax.

Wang Mang also snorted coldly when he looked at the appearance of the ring loach beast, and flew into the sky with its body.

With a monster beast of several tons, Wang Mang's speed was still swift, and in a blink of an eye he was flying into an altitude of eighty or ninety meters above the ground.

At this time, the ring loach beast is also a little panicked. With the third-order strength, it is not afraid of any enemies of the same order.

But leaving the home field where I was fighting, I was in the high altitude for an instant. Its shallow enemy experience was not enough. At this time, there was no other way but to bite the enemy tightly.

Wang Mang did not consider the idea of ​​the under-ringed loach beast. After flying to a height of 100 meters, the three pairs of iron wings suddenly stopped.

The bodies of Wang Mang in the air and the halo beast fell straight towards the ground in a flash,

Wang Mang vibrated his wings, and the speed of his fall increased several times faster, like a falling meteor, hitting the ground straight.

The distance of 100 meters came in an instant, ‘Boom! With a loud bang, the body of several tons of the halo beast slammed into the pulpy swamp.

The **** armor several inches thick did not give it a trace of defensive effect. Even if it was hit in the swamp, it instantly lost its life, and the corpse was a little broken.

Facing this extremely strong gravitational acceleration, if Wang Mang hadn't used the super power of three pairs of iron wings when he was more than ten meters away from the ground, he would have fallen into the flesh.

The ferocious facial features of the ring loach beast slowly oozes the gurgling blood, and the original strong body of four or five meters has been thrown into a pile of vague rotten flesh.

Wang Mang shook a few barbed tails that had been stuck, but he didn't rush to cut open its head with the small spar hidden in it, because he found that it seemed to be a bit bigger this time.

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