Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 263: Power horror

The sound of the ring loach smashing into the swamp, alarmed one after another, sleeping or basking in the surrounding ring loach.

The mud bubbles in the swamp are more and more frequent. The ring loach beasts sleeping in the swamp wake up one after another in the face of the sudden invaders, revealing a pair of indifferent vertical eyes from the mud.

The ring loach beasts basking in the sun, regardless of their ranks, stood up straight, facing Wang Mang, and seemed to be ready for a **** hunt at any time.

This atmosphere is a bit weird and tense. Perhaps both sides know that the other is not easy to deal with, and no one takes the lead.

Facing the tense atmosphere, Wang Mang gave a grin, and broke the deadlock first, raising his left hand, and the worm pattern in his palm glowed lightly.

The ugly-looking, terrifying fire locusts flew out, and they rushed straight to the ring-fish beasts who looked at them coldly.

"Buzzing" is like the soul-calling bell of the **** of death, the third-order fire locusts accumulate the indestructible fuel in their bodies one by one, and rush towards the enemy in front of them.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The ring loach beast roared loudly, stepping on its sturdy limbs, and rushing towards Wang Mang with its egg-sized eyes widened.

"Plap! Pap! Pap!" A blazing locust hit the rushing halo beast, a thick layer of **** armor like leather ignited by fuel, and it burst into flames.

"Hiss, roar!" Swimming in the swamp, the running loach, like a scalded rabbit, roared horribly.

The grinning smile on Wang Mang’s face is getting stronger, you monsters, let you see how good my Wang is today.

The insect pattern in the palm of the palm became brighter, and swarms of fire locusts with thin wings fluttered out like a spring.

The outcropping ring loach beasts with a radius of one thousand meters are not spared. Each ring loach beast has suicide attacks by dozens of explosive locusts.

The **** armor on their backs is like the combustion-supporting agent. After the fire locust hits, the unquenchable fire that bursts out is unexpectedly corrosive to the stratum corneum.

The blazing locusts that sprang out from the insect pattern in Wang Mang's palm are like flying wolves, one dead, and one succeeding.

The fire on the body of the ring loach became more and more intense, and it burned through the thick stratum corneum and scarlet muscles almost instantly.

In just a few seconds, it burned the internal organs and bones in the body,

The **** beasts with higher ranks and strengths of rank 3 and above have become thicker and denser with **** scales on the surface.

Even the fire sputtered after dozens of explosive locust suicide attacks cannot be burned through temporarily.

Wang Mang clenched a fist with one hand, his solid pitch-black hand armor made a clucking sound, and the barbs on the back of his hand suddenly grew a few inches.

The beetles on the phalanx were covered by the dark viscous liquid again, condensed into thick and tough straight thorns, glowing with faint blue light,

Wang Mang looked at the strongest ringed loach beasts with a painful look at their vertical pupils. The insect armor covered with barbed thorns also burst out a special fierce aura that was unique to insects.

Originally, the technique of attaching armor to spirit worms was a special combination of black three worms as a medium.

It can be said that the insect armor is the embodiment of another mode of the black three insects. The natural insect armor also has a certain degree of wisdom, which can make changes and respond when Wang Mang cannot respond in time and needs to change the shape of the insect armor.

At this time, Wang Mang had a strong desire to kill and greedy this group of ring loach beasts. There is nothing more lovable than the small spar. The monster beasts in front of him are all going to die!

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