Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 264: King Beast Appears

Wang Mang's thoughts reached this point, his left foot slammed on the ground, and his fist was covered with straight stabs like a crossbow arrow ready to go.

He launched a fierce attack on the ringed loach beast who was in pain and intended to bite him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The muffled sound of fists to the flesh sounded.

Wang Mang’s big fist like a mace hits the ugly head of the halo beast, piercing **** holes.

In some places, he was beaten several times in a row, and his flesh and skin were a little bit rotten. Wang Mang still didn't have the posture to stop.

Instead, the attack became more vicious, and the eyes of two eggs were blown out by Wang Mang's two punches like a light bulb!

The ring loach beast that was being madly beaten by Wang Mang was also facing death, emitting a huge force beyond its potential.

His sturdy forelegs and sharp nails scratched Wang Mang’s calf.

Wang Mang stepped back a few steps, shook his tail like a steel whip, shook his fist, tilted his body slightly, and did not evade the attack of the ring loach.

A whip leg that was as fierce as a knife was pulled up against the thick forelimb, "Boom!"

With a crisp sound, Wang Mang’s thick forelegs were pulled straight into a weird angle by Wang Mang’s calf.

Just relying on the skin and flesh on the surface to connect, the bones inside must have been broken and shattered.

Wang Mang was so powerful that he twisted his waist to send his hips, his left leg protected by the insect armor slammed into the jaw of the ringed loach.

Suddenly, the sharp teeth in the big mouth were kicked off, and the body of five or six tons was kicked more than one meter from the ground by this heavy foot.

The muscles on Wang Mang's arm were tightened again, and the thick biceps contained terrifying power. With the addition of the power of the insect armor, the speed and power would become even more terrifying!

"Quick shrimp fist!" Wang Mang, whose face was blocked by the dark face armor, spit out the special spell that takes human life like a **** of death who mercilessly kills.

"Om!" A harsh sonic vibration, a lightning-fast left fist struck the ring loach beast once, at its most vulnerable jaw.

"Fuck!" Like a sharp knife piercing through the paper, the head of the third-order high-level ring loach is like a piece of white paper.

Quickly pierced by Wang Mang's power and the extremely terrifying fast shrimp fist, he didn't even hear the sound of the collision!

The small spar in the brain was pierced with the head, and fell one by one, falling into the thick mud.

Wang Mang threw the corpse of the ring loach beast hanging on his arm aside, and did not even take a look at the small spar that fell on the ground.

Instead, I looked at the group of ring loach beasts that were being burned. Every moment, ring loach beasts of different ranks were burned through their internal organs, leaving behind a foul-smelling corpse.

Wang Mang’s eyes hidden behind the faceplate were quite cold, and even a hint of seriousness.

Why didn't one of these suffering halo beasts intend to escape the swamp, and instead would rather run to their side to endure the pain?

Thinking about this, Wang Mang also noticed something wrong, so quiet! Weirdly quiet,

The ring loach beasts who were still roaring in agony seemed to be strangled in their necks, and did not make a horrible roar.

wrong! It's the king beast! Wang Mang’s eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of terror, a huge and incomparable, surging weather that deep into the deep sea was firmly locking Wang Mang.

"I have to leave!" Feeling that imposing Wang Mang, the three pairs of iron wings behind the instant vibration vibrated intently soaring into the sky, but at this moment, the king beast lurking in the swamp appeared!

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