Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 265: Hundred meters long spear

A sky-swallowing monster that is comparable to a prehistoric crocodile suddenly rises from the ground without warning, a huge body the size of a building, thick limbs with the thickness of a chimney, and two pairs of dark green vertical pupils the size of a lantern.

"Roar!" With a long and stern roar that shook the air, the terrifying King Loach finally appeared!

Relying on the extreme speed of the three pairs of iron wings, Wang Mang escaped the sudden bite of the king beast dangerously.

Flying into the air, Wang Mang couldn't help but look back, his mind was shocked! Tier 5! It is still the fifth-order king beast!

Seeing that the chief culprit who slaughtered his own tribe wanted to escape, the King of Loach was angry.

The fishy fangs and sharp mouth opened, and the **** suddenly lit up. A dark green ball of light was condensing like lightning, and it was as big as a water tank in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the attribute light sphere exuding extremely dangerous aura was about to be launched, Wang Mang's eyes were also flashed.

No, you must not let the king beast launch that attribute attack and be hit by that ball of light. Even if it is armored by spirit insects, you are afraid that it will be blown to pieces.

Wang Mang had a decision in his heart, and his hand movements were not slow. He patted the sac, and tens of thousands of explosive locusts flew out in a crowd, like a river composed of locusts, flowing endlessly!

"Life and death, riches and nobles, let's fight here!" Wang Mang's face showed a desperately cruel expression.

On the one hand, he kept summoning the Explosive Locust, and on the other hand, he was always paying attention to the attribute light ball in the big mouth of the ring loach king beast.

You must avoid it! Otherwise, if you wipe a bit to the side, you are the result of death or disability!

The swarm formed by tens of thousands of blazing locusts is like a river of heaven pouring down, and the mighty momentum is unmatched!

When the insect swarm reached 30,000, Wang Mang stopped his movements.

The fire locusts that were summoned were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not rush to attack.

Instead, they gradually gathered together and condensed into a huge spear composed of insect swarms in the sky.

The tapered gun head, slender gun body, and noisy insects gradually form a special balance.

The deadliest spear head is held by a handful of fire locusts with the highest mid-level and strongest swarm.

The strength of the fire locusts following the tip of the gun is not to be underestimated. They are all three-tier high-level, and even the final tail of the gun is composed of fire locusts that only exude fierce aura.

Wang Mang summoned the Explosive Locust this time, 5,000 Tier 3 pinnacles, 25,000 Tier 3 high-level, and none of the Tier 3 intermediate ones. This time Wang Mang is completely gambled on his life. !

The dazzling aperture was getting bigger and bigger, and Wang Mang was able to see a huge ball of light that looked like a small sun when he looked down from an altitude of two to three hundred meters.

The palpitations in Wang Mang's heart are also getting stronger and stronger, his subconscious tells him, run quickly, this kind of Tier 5 king beast is impossible to match.

But the end-time reason still suppressed fear, Wang Mang bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to stabilize his slightly trembling limbs.

When I watched the python fighting with the giant eagle from a long distance, I already felt the turbulent weather like a sea.

But now facing the attack of the fifth-order king beast, that kind of aura almost condensed into substance, and the Wang Mang locked in in an instant!

"Om!" The crimson spear, which is one hundred meters long, finally gathered and formed in the cooperation of all the explosive locusts.

The vibration frequency of the thin wings of each explosive locust that makes up the spear suddenly slows down, and the buzzing sound of the flapping wings is also a coincidence!

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