Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 266: hit

The astonishing hum of the explosive spear at this time is as breathtaking as a sharp knife out of its sheath!

Xu Shi, the king beast on the ground also felt a slight threat, and an air current burst out from his throat, and a huge dark green ball of light flew out, facing Wang Mang in the sky!

"Not good!" Wang Mang's pupils were a little enlarged, and the three pairs of dark and mysterious iron wings behind them, under the energy supply of the blood-red pattern, evoked the fastest frequency in history.

Wang Mang's body originally hovering also flew out like lightning.

"Om!" After the 100-meter long flaming spear buzzed for the last time, the head of the spear suddenly turned downward.

The spear was like a falling meteor, attacking the behemoth the size of a building in the swamp.

The sound of the tapered gun head cutting through the air is terrible, like the elegy chanted by those thirty thousand fire locusts when they launched the only attack in their lives.

The ring loach king beast on the ground uttered a majestic beast roar without showing any weakness! From its point of view, this group of insects with only Tier 3 strength, even if they were more numerous, could not compare to the self who had dominated the swamp for many years!

The spear was flying faster and faster, and the hundreds of explosive locusts at the tip of the gun could not withstand the pressure of the air falling rapidly, and exploded in advance.

The fire sputtering in the body, the fuel spilled on the companion flying behind him,

The Explosive Locust that was sputtered into the flames became a real ‘Explosive’ locust at this time.

The unquenchable burning fire and hot fuel make their murderous aura even stronger and more terrifying!

The death of every blazing locust makes dozens of blazing locusts behind them have more inextinguishable flames on their bodies.

When it flew to a position less than a dozen meters away from the king beast, at least 3,000 fire locusts died at the tip of the gun!

The result of this exchange is that the fiery red one-hundred-meter long spear has become a fire spear that exudes inextinguishable flames!

"Roar!" The terrifying ring loach king beast is facing the monstrous attack right in front of him, and it is also gripping the ground, like a big enemy.

The strength of the fifth-order king beast makes it almost impossible to match it in this secret realm, but at this time it actually felt a threat of death on this group of small insects!

This is intolerable, it has the pride of being a king beast! As the king of the swamp, it has the courage to face any enemy!

At this time, Wang Mang didn't have the strength and courage of the Huanyu King Beast, his strength was only the third-order low-level.

Even after the spirit worm is attached to the armor, combined with the strength of the third-tier intermediate of the black three worms, it is also unable to resist the attribute attack of the fifth-tier king beast.

Wang Mang urged the energy of his whole body, supplying the three pairs of iron wings that trembled rapidly on his back. Wang Mang's body at this time was a bit overwhelmed by the torn air.

But that's it, the dark green ball of light the size of a small house behind him is chasing closer and closer like a mad dog. Even if Wang Mang has urged all his energy, he can't get rid of it.

If this continues, he will be hit sooner or later. Wang Mang feels a little irritable.

After his aura is locked by the Ring Loach King Beast, there is no other way unless the Ring Loach King Beast is unlocked.

While Wang Mang continued to fly fast, he was paying attention to the attack of the blazing locust. Once it worked, he could take advantage of the attack on the king beast, and throw away the light ball behind him when he was distracted.

The flame spear made up of nearly 30,000 explosive locusts "Bang!" finally hit the body of the ring-fish king beast, which was ready to fight back.

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