Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 267: Alive

The attack of an explosive locust might not be a big deal to the King Loach, and even the skin can’t even be burned.

But a thousand? Ten thousand? Even if nearly 30,000 pigs come to a collective charge, the tiger of the king of beasts has to retreat.

What's more, the Explosive Locust possesses the unique organization of the Zerg race, with a dense queue like a battlefield, and a bold and deadly charge, even if the opponent is a Tier 5 king beast?

The protruding ring loach king beast was hit by a flying spear and its **** back armor was several meters thick. Although it was amazingly defensive, the ring loach king beast still felt a deadly burning sensation.

It was angry, and the body the size of a building suddenly stood up, and the forelegs of the chimney thick and thin attacked with extremely sharp attributes, intending to cut off the hundred-meter-long flame spear.

The Explosive Locust, which can launch a suicide charge, has no idea of ​​avoiding it.

When your forelimbs attack, they will attack your forelimbs, which is cut out in half by the attribute attack, but the fuel splashed in the body still falls on the body of the king of ring loach.

The upright King Loach Beast only attacked a few claws, and fell helplessly.

There are too many such **** bugs. One paw was swung down, and hundreds died, but the number was still as large as a cow's hair.

The Explosive Locust whose body is burning with inextinguishable fire hits the back armor of the ring loach monster, it is splashing a beautiful flower of flame,

The seemingly sturdy **** armor, under the impact of a blazing locust one after another, the burning fire on the surface gathers more and more, and it gathers bigger and bigger.

By the end of the building-sized ring loach king beast’s back, a monstrous flame that was close to dark in color and two or three meters tall was vacated.

The body of every explosive locust is enveloped in flames and it automatically splashes the fuel out of the body, adding fuel to the terrifying flames that are infinitely close to the deep black.

"Qi~hou", the King Loach beast, who kept killing the Explosive Locust, suddenly felt severe pain in his back.

The original **** armor with combustion-supporting properties was finally burned and burned through under the burning of the deep black flame.

The non-defensive skin under the stratum corneum can't reduce the burning speed of that terrifying flame by any minute,

Almost just for a moment, the flame vaporized the skin and began to burn the hard, scarlet muscle tissue.

Faced with this unprecedented agony, the king beast looked a little mad. It began to roll, trying to extinguish the unquenchable fire behind it through the mud in the swamp.

Wang Mang flew quickly, with a relaxed smile on his face, and the huge ball of light behind him became a little dull and inflexible.

Wang Mang deliberately slowed his body to make the ball of light get closer and closer to his body. When the distance was less than ten meters, Wang Mang suddenly fell to the ground.

The acceleration of gravity, Wang Mang’s rapid wing flapping speed, almost broke through the sound barrier,

The ball of light also fell sharply with Wang Mang, but it was a little stiff between tossing and spinning.

It's now! When Wang Mang was about to hit the ground, it was too late to flutter his wings into the air.

I could only deviate a little from the ground, and crashed into the mud puddle with a ‘bang’.

Wang Mang first touched the head of the quagmire, but also suddenly felt dizzy.

The head armor that was hit was smashed into the armor by fragments of rocks in the quagmire, and the fragile head was also smashed into a blood pit by the edges of the stone.

But everything is worth it. Wang Mang, who was smashed into the quagmire, just felt a corrosive pain behind him.

The huge dark green ball of light exploded with a loud bang!

Wang Mang murmured to himself with the smile of the rest of his life: I'm still alive!

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