Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 272: Stupid pig

In the storage space of about ten cubic meters in the bracelet, there are several extremely obvious cracks on the orange-spotted animal eggs the size of a basketball.

Among the egg shells, a fluffy cub is gnawing at the weak spots of the egg shell cracks with tiny fangs.

Wang Mang stretched out his hand to take out the beast egg, looked at the cub that was about to break out of its shell, and looked at the green loach beads in his hand, frowning, a little tangled in his heart.

I don’t know yet, what kind of cub came out of its shell and what its potential is.

If you rashly use Green Loach Beads, I’m afraid there is a chance that you will lose everything.

But watching the cub's stubbornly trying hard to break the shell, Wang Mang's heart also loosened a little.

When the cub's fine teeth finally bit the egg shell and broke out of the shell, it let out a tender roar.

Wang Mang showed a gentle smile and made a decision in his heart.

Immediately put the green loach bead on the cub’s mouth for it to absorb the energy in the green bead,

The cub also seemed to know that the rich energy contained in the green loach beads might be of great benefit to it,

Two cute and short claws squeezed out of the egg shell and embraced a bead that was twice as large as one's own body.

The little beast's mouth is clenching the green loach beads, and it keeps absorbing energy from it,

In the blink of an eye, the green loach beads that were originally the size of a pigeon egg were visible to the naked eye.

The sparse hairs on the cub's body are gradually growing, and the squinted eyes are slowly opened. A pair of peculiar big ears flicker and look especially cute.

Watching the changes in the cub before him, Wang Mang became more and more suspicious.

When he saw the ears and noses, Wang Mang was full of regret and couldn't help but want to slap himself.

What kind of ferocious beast is this, this is obviously a pig!

Wang Mang ruthlessly threw the piglet, which had grown to two or three catties, on the mud-filled ground.

The egg shell was hard, with only a splash of mud and flowers, and the piglet made a humming roar, and its size became larger as the green loach beads gradually decreased.

The small fangs on the faces of some simple pigs are slowly growing upwards.

Astonishing changes have taken place, the fine teeth have become more curved, and there is a faint tendency to become two fangs.

On the surface of the egg shell, the golden and black stripes actually set off the piglet with its head down and arching, which is a bit extraordinary.

With the rapid absorption of the energy of the green loach beads, the two sharp and fierce fangs of the piglet have grown.

The thick and hard boar bristles on the top of the head extend from the top of the head to the end, which is a little mighty and handsome.

"Heh heh chir" Little Pig looked at the smaller and smaller green loach beads, feeling a little uncomfortable as he lowered his head to eat.

So a pig’s mouth and hard white teeth swallowed the green loach the size of a glass bead into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it contentedly.

At this time, the piglet may really be a bead composed of the essence energy of the ring loach king beast, activating its own talent and potential.

It seems to have grown to a weight of more than 300 kilograms without any effort, but the figure is not bloated at all, with the shoulder height only reaching Wang Mang's waist.

The tough pigskin is glowing with oily luster, the thick four hooves, and the muscle contours are already somewhat visible.

The eyes that changed the most were those bright and fiercely entrained, coupled with the sharp fangs of ivory luster, it turned out to have the style of a generation of king beasts!

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