Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 273: Holy Soldier Thunder

"Hum" the piglet has swallowed the ring loach beads, and it will take a few days for the energy in the beads to be completely absorbed and integrated.

At this time, the little pig rubbed his head against Wang Mang's calf, and hummed twice at Wang Mang's flatteringly.

Wang Mang looked at Xiao Zhu’s bright eyes, his eyes contained a feeling of dependence on his master.

Who would let himself be the person he saw the first time this pig was born? There is no way, no matter how stupid or stupid, he has to raise it.

Wang Mang didn't complain at this time, he just squatted down and stroked the stinging hard mane on the top of the piglet's head.

Listening to its comfortable humming and chirping voice, he muttered to himself: "Seeing you are so handsome, so heroic, so handsome and handsome, why don't you call you a dumb pig,"

The stupid pig was a little ignorant in his eyes at first, and when Wang Mang said it twice, indicating that he was calling it, the stupid pig hummed twice and was a little happy. He also had a name.

Wang Mang looked at the stupid pig helplessly, and suddenly realized that its strength at this time had reached the first-order peak.

Wang Mang was a little surprised, but he didn't care. He thought that the green loach beads had too much energy, which quickly improved the stupid pig’s strength.

Wang Mang waved his hand at it and motioned it to play by himself.

And he needed to find the two remaining items after the light group burst. Wang Mang was startled suddenly after walking forward without two steps.

a knife! A big knife! It's really an exaggerated knife,

Wang Mang stared at the three-meter-long, thin-arm blade, two-meter-long and half-meter-wide, which was comparable to the thick blade of a door.

At this time, the giant knife was inserted horizontally in a muddy quagmire, but there was nothing wrong with that momentum! This is the breath of a holy soldier! This is a Tier 9 Saint Soldier!

Wang Mang couldn't help his excitement, grasping the thick, slightly cold three-meter shaft.

As soon as the palm of the hand touched the blade shaft, the entire blade trembled slightly, and the sound of the blade sounded like a dragon's roar.

Pieces of obscure words run through from the tip of the knife to the end of the knife shaft, and there is also a domineering knife pattern interspersed with it, "The way of heaven is lacking, and its sword is born, and the sword is like a violent thunder, like a dragon like a tiger,"

A message came from the palm of Wang Mang's hand touching the blade, which made Wang Mang uncontrollably read the obscure text on the blade.

"This knife is called Kuanglei! Good knife!"

With all his strength, Wang Mang drew the giant knife that was as thick as a door plank out of the quagmire.

"This knife is heavy!"

Wang Mang's eyes showed uncontrollable joy, his blood-controlled spirit soldier, Molong gun weighed only more than five hundred jin.

Moreover, the Molong Spear is the most important key to the Hidden Dragon Stele. After opening the Hidden Dragon Stele, you have to find another weapon you can use.

Unexpectedly, I really dozed off and gave a pillow. The weight of this knife is just right for my physical strength of nearly ten tons.

Wang Mang waved the amazing five-six-meter-long knife with one hand, and the sound of the knife cutting the air was like the roar of thunder.

Wang Mang carefully communicated the spirit and will of Crazy Thunder Knife,

I found that there is an unexpected fit between myself and Qi Ling, like a habitual sword that I have used for decades.

When Wang Mang was excited and joyful, he was a little melancholy.

I used the marksmanship in the previous life. If I switch to the sword now, I don’t have a proper sword technique, let alone the power of the Crazy Thunder Sword. What can I do?

Just as Wang Mang was melancholy, stupid pig came to Wang Mang's side with a simple book in his mouth.

Wang Mang took a look from it curiously, and his eyebrows were instantly overjoyed. He couldn't think that the third piece of light group turned out to be a matching sword technique. It was fate and fate!

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