Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 277: The strength of the spirit

Qi Ling jumped with excitement when he heard what Wang Mang said.

"Really, really! Great, master, don't you know how much I want to restore my original image,"

As Qi Ling said, his expression became more and more excited, even the blade of Kuang Lei Dao shivered slightly.

Obviously, for Qi Ling, there is nothing more important than restoring the original mighty image.

Wang Mang stroked the back of the knife and said comfortingly:

"Since you are the spirit of the Kuanglei Blade, I will call you Kuanglei.

From now on, I will follow my master and guarantee you to recover your strength within ten years, and even to a higher level! "Wang Mang's tone was full of confidence.

In fact, Wang Mang himself felt that it might not be that long. Based on the six years of experience in the previous life and the good conditions in this life,

Maybe as long as three years, five years later, one's own strength can definitely reach a terrifying point.

Hearing Wang Mang’s such affirmative reply, the eyes of the cute tool that is several inches in size turned a little red.

"Thank you, Master!" Qi Ling's tone was extremely sincere.

My previous masters just used myself as a sharp weapon,

But the host in front of him is different, he regards himself as a true partner,

Rather than treating yourself as a powerful weapon, maybe this is the reason why you fit so well with your master.

Facing Qi Ling’s thanks, Wang Mang nodded sincerely.

The promise I made has never been fulfilled,

What's more, Kuang Lei Dao will become his own personal weapon in the future, and this relationship is as important as his own wife!

Helping Kuang Lei Dao to restore a point of strength is to strengthen one point of strength.

"Kuang Lei, tell me, what do you need to restore your original strength, I will try my best to raise money," Wang Mang said, lifting the Kuang Lei Knife and swiping it twice.

"Master, my current strength is a bit polarized. My body is the Kuang Lei Dao, a real holy soldier.

But as a weapon spirit, I can't exert all the power of the Saint Soldiers for the time being, and can only exert 30% of the strength at most,"

Qi Ling's cheeks were a little blushing, and his head was tightly lowered, and his body was shrinking to the size of an egg in guilt.

Wang Mang had a simple understanding of Kuang Lei's current strength, nodded and said:

"That is to say, the current Crazy Thunder Knife only possesses the sharpness of the Holy Soldier, and there is no special ********** Spirit that urges the ultimate energy of the Holy Soldier to hurriedly waved his hands and said. :

"No, Master, I can also control the changes in my body now.

I can also attach the attribute energy of the thunder system to the body and release it.

It’s just that those large-scale, high-energy attribute attacks cannot be brought into play."

Wang Mang understood Qi Ling’s explanation.

"Except for the high-energy, large-scale attribute attack similar to the high-level monster beast, it can't be released, the other is the normal attribute of the holy soldier, right"

"Well, that's right," Qi Ling nodded his head.

"Then Kuang Lei, you are also very powerful now. If you recover your strength, the things you need must be very precious.

Don't worry about it. As long as I know, I will try my best to help you restore your original strength."

Wang Mang smiled relieved as he watched the stupid pig keep collecting the heads of the ring loach beast.

There are still so many small spars in the account this time, and it’s a lot of wealth to exchange for gold dragon coins.

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