Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 278: Three things

"Master, what I need most urgently are three things.

The first is a weapon with a preliminary weapon, I can swallow it, and at least restore 10% of my strength.

The other is the essence of the sword technique, which is like a stone, but contains the inheritance stone of the sword technique.

The other thing is that at least ten Tier 4 monster beasts' demon pills, I can recover part of my strength by absorbing the energy and fierce souls from them.

With these three things, I make sure that I can restore my strength to 70%."

As soon as the Qi Ling exits, there are three items that Wang Mang does not currently have, but Wang Mang is also knowledgeable, and these costs are not high for restoring a holy soldier.

"Weapons with preliminary weaponry, well, at least the rank must reach the level of a seventh-order weapon.

Now my Molong Spear has a preliminary spirit consciousness after blood control.

But this is the most critical key to the Hidden Dragon Stele. It must not be moved.

As for the weapons that were previously captured by the enemy, either they were of insufficient quality or they did not have the consciousness of being born."

"As for the essence of the sword technique, I have never even heard of it.

It seems that you can only publish the buying information on the trading bracelet.

There are also the ten demon cores of Tier 4 demon beasts. Tsk tsk, I am afraid that no one with supernatural powers can get it right now.

No, that countryman Y, who is the number one in the ranking, has the strength of Tier 4 Intermediate, but I also have the strength to hunt Tier 4 monsters, so I don’t have to ask for help.”

Wang Mang rubbed his chin, thinking carefully about the degree of difficulty of obtaining these three things.

"The weapon that gives birth to the spirit consciousness is the simplest. When you go back, you can buy the seventh-order spirit weapon in the stele if you have money, but the price is not cheap.

If it’s not possible, I’ll buy it all over the world, I’ll always buy it.

Ten monsters and monster pills are not difficult. I still have 140,000 blazing locusts.

In addition, I just got Kuang Thunder, and my strength has risen sharply.

I'm afraid that I don't need the fire locusts, I can kill the fourth-order low-level monsters independently.

The most difficult thing is the essence of swordsmanship.

In the past six years, it is estimated that I was too low-level and did not come into contact with this kind of magical thing, so I knew nothing, and now I can only take one step and watch one step."

While Wang Mang was finishing his thoughts, he suddenly felt that his trousers were being pulled.

A sturdy wild boar arched Wang Mang's legs with his nose, and bit Wang Mang's trousers with his teeth, and wanted him to see the results of his labor.


Looking at the stupid pig, Wang Mang also understood that he had dragged the corpses of the nearby monster beasts to one place.

Immediately, Wang Mang glanced at the place where the corpses of the ring loach was piled up, and he was a little stunned.

Be good, there are a lot of dead halo beasts, at least four to five hundred ugly beast heads, and more than one hundred corpses burned into skeletons and limbs.

Wang Mang walked over and picked up a terrifying head of a halo beast.

Holding the five-meter-long Kuang Lei Knife in his hand, he lightly knocked his head on the blade.

Suddenly three small spars fell out of the head,

Wang Mang saw that the Kuang Lei Knife was so sharp and his hands were itchy. He wanted to try its power.

Facing the hill piled with the corpses of the ring loach, he simply stabbed it vertically.


When the rapidly falling blade touched the surface of the monster corpse, a blue arc flashed from the faintly blue blade, and instantly condensed on the upper surface of the blade.


Like the sound of pulling a cloth, dozens of corpses of ring loach beasts of different ranks have been instantly chopped into two halves of different sizes.

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