Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 282: Mixed

Once the dark black insect pattern depicts an eight-legged worm with a vicious mouthpart, but now the insect pattern has changed a lot.

The eight-legged sucker turns into slender and powerful limbs, and the soft appearance of the worm disappears.

It was replaced by a dark and deep beetle, and a pair of thin wings grew on the back of the beetle.

The only constant is the hideous mouthparts, and a pair of scarlet compound eyes,

Seeing Wang Mang's stupid appearance, Liu Ying couldn't help but ask in doubt: "Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Mang didn't know whether he should be happy or worried, but his expression was still very melancholy, without a trace of joy:

"Xiaoying, you know what, my ability is advanced!"

Liu Ying was even more confused when she heard Wang Mang's words, "Husband, advanced ability? Isn't that advanced?"

Wang Mang frowned, shook his head slowly and said:

"No, abilities can also be advanced,

It’s just that after many people’s own strength level has been improved, the improvement of their abilities is very obvious.

Most people don’t care and don’t pay attention to the development and improvement of abilities."

"Each ability may be strong or weak depending on personal factors,

Even if two people with the same level of strength and the same ability fight for life and death, it cannot be the result of a tie.

If you have the ability to further develop and improve your abilities, make the power of the abilities qualitatively change, and the pattern style also changes, then you will be successful,"

Liu Ying understood Wang Mang’s last sentence and nodded clearly.

It turned out to be like this. As long as the potential of the ability is exploited to the maximum, there will be a chance to get the ability to improve, and the insect pattern will also change.

"Let me give you an example, a person who strengthens his arms, works hard to develop his abilities, and maximizes the potential of his abilities.

Or break through the ability under certain circumstances, then his pattern will change,

It is possible that after the appearance of the new pattern, his arm strengthening ability will become limb strengthening ability.

Going further, it will become a whole body strengthening ability, which is all possible."

"I also encountered this situation in the secret realm. My pattern has changed.

My abilities and physical fitness have also been enhanced a lot,

But the hundreds of thousands of worms in my sac became very weak for this, and even a small part of them were in a state of dying."

Wang Mang looked at the newly changed insect pattern in the palm of his hand and carefully scanned his mental power. The special difference between that and the previous insect pattern was passed to Wang Mang’s mind.

Control: The golden female worm will produce a special silver egg,

Monsters, zombies, humans, life and death can be controlled by the host when taking this egg,

The silver worms that hatch can send simple messages to the mother worms over thousands of miles.

Latent: Mother worms can produce eggs of ‘tricky worm’,

The worms are invisible and innocent, colorless and tasteless, they can lurking in the air,

Covering the enemy’s shadow to see the enemy’s strength, briefly taking over the body,

Wang Mang looked at these two new abilities that were so powerful that they were so explosive, he was naturally delighted in his heart.

But the price paid should not be underestimated. Almost all of the worms in the worm sac have lost their fighting ability, and a small part of them are about to die. This price cannot be said to be insignificant.

"Xiaoying, the hundreds of thousands of worms in my worm sac are very weak and need a lot of demon pill as energy supply.

I have some storage space for my ring, but I’m afraid it’s still not enough."

Wang Mang frowned, thinking about how many demon pills and prisms needed to restore the strength of the insects in the worm sac.

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