Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 283: confusion

Wang Mang frowned and roughly calculated the prisms needed by the hundreds of thousands of insects in his sac, and suddenly discovered that the demand was surprisingly large.

According to a step-by-step estimate, it takes at least the energy of nearly 1,000 second-order prisms to barely get the sluggish insects out of their weak state.

Wang Mang is not worried about the source of the prismatic crystals.

The reason why Prism can be exchanged for Golden Dragon Coins is because there are many places where the energy contained in it needs to be used.

Naturally, there are not so many second-order prisms in the dragon market gathering place, but the stone stele is OK, but now there are very few people who exchange prisms in the reverse direction.

At this time, Wang Mang sent dozens of third-order prisms and the corpses of monster beasts of different ranks from the Panlong Ring to the worm sac for the worms to restore energy.

But it’s just a drop in the bucket. There are more than 100,000 various insect swarms, especially the third-order explosive locusts.

These prisms, corpses, were absorbed in just a few minutes of energy and turned into piles of useless dross.

"Xiaoying, I have to go to the stele now. The current form of the insect swarm is not optimistic, and I desperately need to eat energy,"

Wang Mang did not hesitate anymore. After speaking, he took Liu Ying's hand and ran towards the stele.

"Husband, do you have enough gold dragon coins? Do you want to go to the newspaper to seconde some of the gold dragon coins,"

Seeing Wang Mang in a hurry, Liu Ying also understood the seriousness of the matter. While trotting with Wang Mang, she carefully helped to consider all aspects of the matter.

Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand and said:

"No, the price of the stone tablet recovery for the items I obtained from the secret realm this time will not be low.

Besides, the reverse exchange of Golden Dragon Coins for Prism, the price will not be very outrageous,"

As soon as he came out of the villa and walked to the bustling pedestrian street, Wang Mang discovered that due to Li Guang’s serious injury, the entire Dragon City gathering place seemed a little messy.

The pedestrian street, which was originally very lively and very lively, seemed extremely deserted at this time, and even the usual beggars who were beggars had disappeared.

Wang Mang looked around and saw dozens of stores, but only four or five were open.

Xu Ye Liu Ying saw Wang Mang’s doubts and said:

"Husband, in the early morning of the gathering place, there were several vicious incidents of robbery and murder.

There are also several groups of supernaturalists in the street. Our newspaper also received shocks and accidental injuries at that time.

Most people are afraid of accidental injury, and now they basically stay at home."

Hearing what Liu Ying said, Wang Mang smiled embarrassedly, a little embarrassed.

There were originally two Tier 3 abilities Li Guang and Li Yong in the City Lord’s first line. There were more than a dozen large and small forces in the town’s living gathering place.

Now that one was killed by himself and the other was seriously injured by himself, it seemed that it would be difficult for them to maintain control of the gathering place and deter other forces.

Part of the consequences of this have been revealed, and that is the chaos of order

Without absolute suppression by force, it would be difficult to maintain the basic order in a gathering place.

"Well, Xiaoying, let's go to the newspaper office later and ask Yao Ping to bring a bottle of life essence to visit Li Guang, and then I will also check it out."

Wang Mang thought for a while, and he had a decision in his heart. Since the City Lord's group can't suppress the gathering place alone, add the power of his own worm group.

In short, the chaos in Longshi must not last for too long. With such chaos, the sales of one's own newspaper will be affected.

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