Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 284: exhausted

Wang Mang and Liu Ying hold hands, like an ordinary couple,

Walking on this empty and spacious pedestrian street, there are a few supernaturalists who are planning to take advantage of the chaotic situation to do some non-profit business occasionally passing by the side of the road.

Feeling the aura of Wang Mang and Liu Ying's high-level abilities, their faces turned pale in fright.

Without saying a word, he turned around and left, completely without the terrifying appearance of murderous aura.

Wang Mang walked to the spacious square in the center of the gathering place, facing the stone monument, shaking his hand, and a virtual light screen the size of a tablet appeared in Wang Mang's hand.

Liu Ying found a bench in the square and asked Wang Mang to sit down together.

It also evokes a virtual light screen, and chooses what you like from the dazzling array of goods.

Wang Mang looked at the balance in the Silver Wolf Card and found that there were still more than 5,000 Golden Dragon Coins.

Last time I ransacked Shishui’s treasure house and various shops, I found 1,620 Golden Dragon coins.

Ahu found more than 7,000 pieces and gave them to the newspaper. Ahu each had 2,000, and he still kept 3,000.

In addition to the hundreds of Golden Dragon Coins in the card at the beginning, it is not surprising that there are more than 5,000 Golden Dragon Coin assets.

Wang Mang swiped the virtual light screen in his hand and found the exchange column.

I clicked the option of reverse exchange for prisms. Among them, there are a lot of first, second, and third prismatics. The fourth-order prismatic exchange options are still dim, showing that they cannot be exchanged.

Wang Mang didn't care either. He mainly exchanged the prisms to restore energy to the insects. The fourth-order prisms are not needed yet.

The first-order prisms have too many impurities, but the quality is not high. For the time being, the first-order prisms that restore the strength of the insects are not the first place.

Third-order prisms have less impurities and high energy quality, but the exchange price is too expensive and the price/performance ratio is not high.

Or second-order prisms are the most suitable for restoring the strength of the swarm,

However, Wang Mang encountered a problem temporarily. The inventory of second-order prisms was somewhat insufficient.

Only able to exchange more than 400 pieces, Wang Mang frowned, he still exchanged all the more than 400 prisms in his hand and threw them into the worm sac.

Wang Mang thought for a while, and turned to the interface of the reverse exchange demon pill, and found that the exchange amount of the second-order demon pill was about the same as that of Prism.

There were only more than 400. Wang Mang had no choice but to exchange another 1,000 first-order prisms. This amount of energy was barely enough for the insects to restore their basic strength.

With Wang Mang’s three exchanges, the balance in the Silver Wolf Card also shrank rapidly.

Now the exchange ratio of the second-order Prism, Demon Pill and Golden Dragon Coin is 1:2.5.

Compared with the beginning of the last days, there has been an extremely significant increase. The exchange price of first-order prisms is also as high as 1:1.5.

Wang Mang had long anticipated the increase in the exchange rate of this prismatic and demon pill.

But there is still a trace of heartache when I see the small balance left in the card. The 5,000 gold dragon coins instantly become more than 1,700. It is fake to say that it is not distressed.

Wang Mang's mental strength penetrated into the worm sac, and he saw that the worms were absorbing, swallowing the energy in the prisms, and quickly regaining his health.

Wang Mang's hanging heart was also let go.

"Xiaoying, let's go back to the small courtyard," Wang Mang felt a little tired after finishing everything.

I just killed a fifth-order king beast in the secret realm, obtained a holy weapon by himself, and learned the red-order technique "Lightning Knife Jue",

I also hatched the stupid pig pet beast that absorbed the green loach beads, and his insect pattern level has been upgraded.

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