Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 288: Once regret

Liu Ying looked at this Wang Mang, who had a good relationship with her on weekdays, and took the initiative to walk up to her. There was a hint of joy in her heart.

"Wang Mang, what's the matter, shall we go fishing after school at noon today?"

Liu Ying smiled when Wang Mang didn't speak, showing a touching beauty.

Wang Mang was stunned, smiled, and then decided to calm his mind.

"Xiaoying, I have something I want to tell you today. I don't think I will have a chance if I don't say it today."

Liu Ying was a little confused, but nodded in response: "Wang Mang, tell me, I'm listening."

Wang Mang cleared his throat and said loudly with a very sincere expression: "Liu Ying, I like you, be my girlfriend!"

Liu Ying was even more startled by Wang Mang’s sudden loud noise.

Following Wang Mang’s words, the entire classroom fell silent for an instant.

At this time, Liu Ying was in a state of surprise and downtime in her mind.

Wang Mang likes himself? When did he like himself?

What if I happen to like him? Should girls be more reserved?

Should I promise him immediately? Ah... Ah... so happy!

Liu Ying’s white and tender cheeks became hot instantly, looking at Wang Mang standing at her desk, she couldn’t help but look into his eyes.

What kind of eyes are those,

The black and white eyes are full of firmness and undisguised love,

There seemed to be a light in his eyes, and it hit Liu Ying’s beating girl’s heart straight.

"Promise him, Goddess Liu Ying!"

"Together! Together! Brother Wang Mang is great!"

"How can Wang Mang have the courage to confess to the schoolgirl? How can our Liu Ying jokes fall on him?"

"Look, our school face is blushing, this Wang Mang has a high chance of success,"

The students around me also reacted instantly. There were bulging cheers, loud boobs, jealousy, insults, and anger.

"No, Xiaoying, you can't promise him!"

Sitting next to Liu Ying, the handsome boy wearing a headscarf and earrings, hearing Wang Mang’s words, his eyes showed unconcealed anger.

"Wang Mang is ugly, ugly, and poor at home. This kind of person is typical rubbish!"

Liu Fan looked at Wang Mang’s gaze, which contained strong contempt, disdain and disgust.

Liu Ying, who was holding her hot cheeks, heard Liu Fan's words belittle Wang Mang, and her disgust towards Liu Fan became stronger.

Wang Mang looked at Liu Fan, who was like a beam jumping clown, with no irritation on his face. He just smiled and said to Liu Ying: "Xiaoying, give me five minutes."

Wang Mang walked up to Liu Fan and looked at him up and down.

"What to look at, rubbish! Don't you remember being beaten by me last time? Do you want me to increase your memory now?"

Liu Fan stared and threatened Wang Mang in a fierce tone.

Wang Mang's smile gradually faded, his eyes showed a cold light.

Instantly stretched out his hand and grabbed Liu Fan's hair, his ready-to-fire fist suddenly clenched, like a heavy hammer, and hit his extremely arrogant face fiercely.

"Little Yakuza, fortunately you died early in your last life, otherwise I will torture you to death if you become a zombie!"

Wang Mang’s face was a bit hideous, but there was a strange burst of clarity in his heart, like a rushing creek that broke through the obstacles in the river with a ‘click’, and Wang Mang’s state of mind was the same.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of dull fists to the sound of meat, passed to the ears of every classmate,

When his current body was inferior to the state of the supernatural being, Wang Mang stopped his movements, looked at the back of his broken fist, and shook his head.

Liu Fan, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, dragged his hands like a dead dog.

Still no plan to stop, punch after punch, even if the fist is broken or bruised, it can't stop the strong hostility in Wang Mang's eyes!

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