Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 289: Once dignity

Wang Mang’s eyes were covered with scarlet blood, and he waved his fist dripping with blood.

Liu Fan’s bruised side face seemed to be sunken, and he looked extremely sick and twisted.

Wang Mang tore off the flower turban on his head, took his hair and pulled it back, Liu Fan’s inhuman face was facing Wang Mang’s scarlet eyes.

"Remember when you played me with a few bastards? I was terribly scared. You are so handsome, you have money in your family, and you have a bunch of brothers who hugged and hugged you.

and I! I'm an orphan, I have no help, every day I can only go to the restaurant at night to earn a meager salary, so I won't starve to death! "

Wang Mang looked at his eyes full of horror, grinned and patted his face.

"Did you know that when you and your friend hit me, I squatted on the ground, holding my head like a poor dog, so many people around watched me being beaten and mocked by you,

The look in their eyes, I still remember clearly, pity, disgust, ridicule, contempt, I remember all of these! Maybe since then I have no dignity! "

"I don't blame you for these, I just want to ask you, why did you take the money from me?

Do you know that it is my money to survive? I went to the trash can like a dog that month to find food, and lived on leftovers. Do you know this? ! ! "

Wang Mang let out a hysterical roar at him, his scarlet eyes seemed to be bleeding, and they looked terrifying.

When the surrounding students saw Wang Mang roaring, they couldn't help but shudder. Facing Wang Mang's gaze, they were also a little bit scared.

Only Liu Ying came back to her senses and grabbed Wang Mang’s arm with a face of fear, and pleadingly stopped his movements.

"Wang Mang, don't fight, what should you do if something goes wrong, you still have your mother and me,"

The hand that Wang Mang was preparing to move was also startled. By the way, his adoptive mother is still alive now, except that she is paralyzed in bed.

Liu Ying looked at Wang Mang’s blood dripping hand, distressed across her eyes, and quickly drew a few sheets of paper to wipe the blood and blood on Wang Mang’s hand.

As for Liu Fan, who was almost fainted, Liu Ying didn't even look at him.

Wang Mang threw Liu Fan, whose face was bruised and the corners of his eyes dripping with blood, into the corner like trash. Liu Fan’s head was knocked on the white wall of the classroom, printing a black and red blood spot.

"Ding! Class is about to start, please prepare your classmates," the reminder bell rang three minutes before class, and the onlookers were whispering in low voices like they were waking up from a big dream.

When Liu Ying heard the bell ringing, a trace of anxiety flashed across her face, she hurriedly pulled Wang Mang outside the classroom, and whispered to him:

"Wang Mang, you leave school quickly. I will help you deal with this matter. You go quickly, otherwise the teacher will find out and you will be fired!"

Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying's youthful face with a worried and anxious look, but touched her head, smiled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, Xiaoying, after the end of the world, you have been taking care of me.

But this time you want to protect me, I don’t agree,

After all, protecting your beloved is the responsibility of a man and a husband, right? My dearest Xiaoying! "

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