Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 290: dream

Looking at Liu Ying’s worrying expression, Wang Mang also softly explained a few words, without taking any school punishments to heart.

Liu Ying listened to Wang Mang's strange words but didn't have any thoughts. She just frowned and said very stubbornly:

"No! This matter will cause you to be expelled. I will go home and beg my dad to let him solve this matter for you. We are going to college in one year. We can't ruin our future now,"

Just as Liu Ying urged Wang Mang to leave the school soon, the head teacher came with a straight face, "It's going to go to class, why aren't you in the classroom yet?"

The head teacher, who was a little plump and swollen, pushed the black glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his small eyes widened a little with great momentum.

Seeing that the head teacher had already walked to the door of the classroom, Liu Ying sighed regretfully and worried. Looking at the old sports fir on Wang Mang's body, her eyes were a little sour.

Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, smiling and beckoning her not to worry.

The fat head teacher glanced at his eyes and saw a bright red blood spot on the wall of the classroom. In the corner lay a young man with bruise and blood bleeding from the wound.

The teacher in charge took a closer look, suddenly widened his eyes, full of horror, so that all the lesson plans he was holding fell to the ground.

The stubby fingers pointed tremblingly at the unconscious person in the corner, "What's the matter? Who did it?"

"Teacher, it's me!" Wang Mang patted the head teacher's fat arm and replied with a smile.

The fat head teacher was startled by Wang Mang’s sudden beat, and then looked at the bright smile on Wang Mang’s face and his whole body trembled with anger.

"You...you...you still have a smile on your face!?...you have caused such a disaster, just wait for the police to arrest you..."

Seeing Wang Mang's appearance, the angrily head teacher couldn't wait to punch him twice. There was such a big incident in his class, and one of them couldn't handle it well, and his work might be over!

The angry head teacher was so sad and angry for the shortness of his career that even Liu Fan, who was lying in the corner and bleeding, didn’t even look at it.

"Why don't I dare to laugh? This is my world! I am the king of this world!"

Wang Mang snapped his fingers, and a cigarette popped out of thin air.

Wang Mang held it in his hand, raised his index finger, and an orange flame suddenly ignited and lit the cigarette in Wang Mang’s mouth.

Wang Mang took a fierce breath and exhaled a cloud of blue smoke. He couldn't help but praised:

"The power of the **** "Qi" is incredible.

I just solved two regrets. The corners in my heart that I usually don’t notice are like an iron lock that has been sealed in dust for many years. The whole person is more comfortable than ever before.

There is even a little more understanding of the power rules, which is really amazing."

Wang Mang looked at the burning cigarette in his hand, and he also had a better understanding of the test of advancement.

"This extremely real world is probably my own dream.

Only oneself can create such a real scene. The test released by "Qi" only borrowed the venue of my dream."

Wang Mang’s words just fell,

The head teacher roared in front of him, watching the lively classmates with great interest, and Liu Fan, who looked like a dead dog with bruises.

At this moment, it is transformed into a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water, like a mirror broken into small pieces of glass, disappearing in an instant,

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