Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 291: Waking up from a big dream

"Where is this?" Liu Ying, who was still standing at the door of the classroom a moment ago, only felt a moment of spinning, her mind was a little tranced, and she opened her eyes again and found that she had come to a strange place.

"Xiaoying, don't be afraid, I'm still by your side,"

Wang Mang took Liu Yingxue’s little hand in consolation. Seeing Liu Ying’s face was puzzled, he opened his mouth to ask. Wang Mang just put his index finger to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

"Xiaoying, don't ask, listen to me, this is my home, you are waiting for me here,"

After Wang Mang said this, he waved his hand and opened the door of the room.

Even if Liu Ying was shocked by this sudden, very unbelievable change, she was a little stunned.

After a long daze, he muttered to himself: "Wang Mang... who is he... on earth?"

Wang Mang walked into the door and looked at the familiar furnishings in the house.

The dusty beckoning cat still beckoning on the cabinet, the cheap and inferior plastic fake flowers in the vase on the table,

There is also a family photo taken with adoptive father and mother on the wall when I was adopted.

Wang Mang approached the wall and raised his hand to take the photo. He couldn't help showing a sincere smile when he looked at himself in the photo, who was dark and thin, with a deflated mouth.

Standing on both sides of him is the adoptive father, adoptive mother who has long been obscured in memory,

The adoptive father is grinning, his face has the simplicity unique to the rural man, and he smiles very happily.

His body was still in the rustic worker uniform, a pair of worn out rubber shoes on the soles of his feet, and a few mud spots on his pants.

The adoptive mother put her arms around her shoulders, her red face was full of joy, and her clothes were not fashionable or even a little ugly.

But in the years of adopting herself, the adoptive mother really treated herself as her own son.

The corners of Wang Mang’s eyes were a little moist, but he was still strong and did not let his tears flow. He just put this precious photo next to his chest, close to the hot heart.

Wang Mang pushed open the bedroom door, time seemed to freeze.

The mother lying on the bed sleeping peacefully, looks very different from the picture.

The original red face has become sallow, his cheeks are a little sunken, and there is a faint painful color between the eyebrows.

Wang Mang watched this situation and scenes, scene after scene in his heart, and two lines of clear tears also couldn't help falling down.

"Mother, maybe this is the last time I have seen you. You have raised me for several years. I won't repay you for your kindness in nurturing!"

Wang Mang knelt on his knees, facing the foster mother who was sleeping on the couch, with his forehead facing the ground, ‘Boom! Boom! Boom! ’Three muffled noises,

Wang Mang, who stood up again, had blood oozing on his forehead, but he recovered in an instant, only the red eyes proved anything.

"Life is not as good as a big dream. There are still no regrets in my past life at this time!"

Wang Mang walked out of the room and looked at Liu Ying, who was sitting on the stairs, holding her cheeks and waiting. He also sat quietly beside her, time seemed to stand still.

Wang Mang looked at Liu Ying's exquisite profile, and also showed a gentle smile:

"The luckiest thing for me is that I met you, Xiaoying!"

Wang Mang faced Liu Yingxue's white face and kissed lightly, as if the world had evaporated and disappeared.

Only Liu Ying, who was sitting on the stairs, came back to her senses at this time, touching the place where Wang Mang had just kissed with one hand and murmured:

"What happened just now? It seems that someone who has a deep memory suddenly forgot!"

Wang Mang's disappeared mind also had a momentary trance.

I opened my eyes again, the small courtyard made of blue bricks, the well beside me was faintly cool, and the sound of cooking was heard from the kitchen beside my ears.

Wang Mang looked at the blue sky with deep eyes, but after a long time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

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