Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 293: Green rag doll

Wang Mang, who closed his eyes thinking for a while, suddenly opened his eyes, and a harrier jumped up from the couch.

Holding the ugly and inferior green rag doll in his hand, Wang Mang thought for a while and pinned the green rag doll close to his waist while looking at the doll.

"Just in case, my own soul can't resist the supernatural beings and monsters who are good at this way. With this puppet doll, there is also an extra layer of insurance to make your mind at ease,"

"Husband, you wake up, do you want to sleep more,"

Hearing the noise in the yard, Liu Ying, holding a spatula in her hand and wearing a simple apron, stood at the door of the kitchen, and saw that Wang Mang was awake, and said:

"Husband, wait for a while, lunch will be ready soon," Liu Ying seemed to remember something suddenly, and then rushed to the kitchen hurriedly, chanting, "Missed, mumbled," in her mouth.

Wang Mang couldn't help grinning when he saw Liu Ying's hurried look, "Xiaoying, don't worry, the food will be messed up when it is messed up," Wang Mang also ran to the kitchen with Liu Ying.

Liu Ying looked at the boiled soup in the pot, the vegetable soup with a squishy smell, turned off the boiler with some chagrin, and shoveled the burned vegetables into the trash can.

"Xiaoying, don't be angry, one dish or two dishes doesn't matter," Wang Mang smiled and took Liu Ying into his arms, and took a mouthful of the pink lips on Liu Yingqiao's face.

"What are you doing?" Liu Ying rolled her eyes at Wang Mang while brushing the pot. It was obvious that the sudden attack on him was no surprise.

"Ah...cough... I just had a dream and I dreamed of you." Wang Mang coughed twice when Liu Ying's eyes were rolled, and he suddenly remembered the young and green Xiaoying in the dream. Looks like,

"Oh, then," Liu Ying replied, scooped a scoop of water, poured it into the pot, and took a rag to carefully wipe the oily dirt in the pot.

Wang Mang swallowed when he saw Liu Ying's appearance.

Just leaning against Liu Ying's back, hugging her slender waist, and pressing her petite earlobes, said, "Master Xiaoying, go and rest quickly. I will leave the job of cleaning the pot and dishes to me."

Liu Ying was a little itchy by the heat from Wang Mang’s speech, but she put it down and stopped her work for the time being.

He took off the rubber gloves on his hands, turned around and put his arms around Wang Mang’s neck, and looked at Wang Mang’s bright eyes.

"Husband, what did you just want to say to me?" Liu Ying winked playfully at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang looked at Liu Yingxue’s beautiful white face with a little mud, and couldn't help raising his hand and gently brushing it away.

"Xiaoying, I dreamed of you. You were still in the second year of high school. You were so green at the time, like a green apple."

Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, and even smiled: "Husband, it's still daytime, wait for the evening."

Wang Mang was stunned by Liu Ying’s answer for a few seconds. After he understood, he rubbed Liu Ying’s little head dumbly.

"Xiaoying, I didn't mean that, I...I just...think that you were as beautiful as a fairy at the time, so why would you like me?"

Liu Ying pouted when she heard Wang Mang's question. After thinking for a while, she replied:

"En.. How do you say, husband, do you remember that we have always been at the same table in our freshman year,"

At that time, I played with you every day and asked you to buy things for me.

Even when we went to class together to play poker, we were tired and talked about the future. It was during that time that I realized that I seemed to like you."

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