Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 294: trouble

When Wang Mang was reminded by Liu Ying like this, he also remembered those funny things that happened in the first year of high school.

It’s strange to say that I was very taciturn to anyone during that time, but only when I was with Xiaoying, I could always play together.

It seems that there is a kind of magical power that has opened up the closed heart of oneself,

Just as Wang Mang and Liu Ying were about to continue to talk about each other's youthful feelings, the heavy door of the small courtyard was pushed open.

A group of people filled with blood and blood, slaughtered people broke in.

"Master Yue, this is it,"

The seven or eight brawny men who broke into the small courtyard, the bald man with knotted muscles standing at the head, carrying a long sword in his thick arms, a pair of tiger eyes full of anger,

"Are you sure? Then Wang Hu usually lives here?"

"Yes, Master Yue, Wang Hu, our flying shark gang have already sent someone to stare at him.

A few days ago, some brothers in our help wanted to go to the Shishui shop to get some worthless clothes.

But Wang Hu is too domineering, not to mention occupying the shop, and not leaving any soup for the brothers, this is too bad for us Feisha to help face."

A man with eyes, combing the plane's head, and looking a little sleek, was constantly telling the leading bald man about Wang Hu’s various faults.

The bald man weighed a long knife in his hand, glanced at the sleek man beside him and said:

"Huh! Don't tell me, I still don't know what your mess is?

Don't you just want to take advantage of Shishui's death and go to the store under his name to get some benefits? I don't have the ability to do it, so I can blame others?

But this Wang Hu is really too much. Early this morning, he killed four first-tier brothers in the gang, and one of them was the first-tier peak.

But he didn't care about the rules when he killed him. He didn't put our gang in his eyes and endured it like this. How can he help other brothers in the right? How to explain to the families of the dead brothers? "

The sleek man who was debunked just smiled awkwardly, without taking the mockery to heart.

At this time, Wang Mang also noticed the movement in the small courtyard and looked outside from the window.

Seven or eight men armed with weapons and murderous aura broke in. The one in the lead seemed to be still talking.

Wang Mang frowned, feeling a little strange. Could it be that the gathering place was already messed up like this? Does anyone dare to rob the house brazenly?

Liu Ying, who was holding Wang Mang’s neck, followed Wang Mang’s gaze and saw the men in the small courtyard.

I sensed the breath a little bit, and only then discovered that among the eight men, there were at least four second-order ones, and the first one had even reached the second-order high-order.

Wang Mang had no idea about their strengths. First-tier and second-tier, they were all the same in front of him. They were all scum that was blown by a punch.

"Xiaoying, let's go out and see what the **** these beam-jumping clowns are doing and why they broke into our house."

Wang Mang frowned, a little unhappy, thinking about which of them to kill first.

Wang Mang pushed open the kitchen door, and all the seven or eight men focused on Wang Mang in an instant.

The bald-headed man looked at Wang Mang, squinted his eyes, and looked carefully, but the long knife in his hand couldn't help clenching tightly.

Wang Mang moved a wooden chair, leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette and asked, "Who are you?"

The headed bald man heard Wang Mang’s questioning, and before he spoke, he felt an astonishingly powerful aura, which made him breathless.

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