Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 296: Croak

"In the early hours of this morning, we Feisha helped four gangs to accept a shop property in Chengdong District. The Shishui who rented the shop before died. It is only natural for us to take back the shop.

But Wang Hu said that Shishui was killed by them, and Shishui’s lease of the shop should continue. My lord, how can you say that this makes sense? "

Listening to the cause and effect of the bald man, Wang Mang instantly understood the course of the incident and the result.

It was nothing more than the failure to negotiate. The two sides fought, and the other side was killed by four gangs due to lack of strength.

"I understand what you said, how do you want to deal with it?"

In fact, Wang Mang felt that what Wang Hu said was somewhat reasonable. Shi Shui was killed by someone on his side, and it was normal to seize and inherit his property.

As for the shop rent he paid before, it also belongs to the category of Shishui property.

"I think I can at least let Wang Hu cut off one of my own arms so that I can have an explanation to the dead brothers." The bald man hesitated for a while, thinking of a compromise.

The men who followed him around him gritted their teeth and looked at the bald man viciously.

You want everyone to accompany you to death. How naive you are to make such a stupid request.

The smile at the corner of Wang Mang's mouth also instantly cooled down, "Hehe, I broke my arm? Isn't this request too much!?"

Wang Mang threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and crushed it with his shoes. The murderous intent in his eyes appeared again.

Are you kidding me? If you want compensation or something, I am in a good mood today, and I gave it as soon as I was happy, but when you make such an excessive request, it is forcing yourself to be unreasonable.

But the bald man still stubbed his neck and said: "A self-breaking arm is compared with four lives. My lord, I believe you can tell which is more serious, too."

Wang Mang rubbed the delicate Panlong ring on his index finger, and looked at the bald man with his eyes narrowed. Ahu is indeed irrelevant in this matter, but there are many things in this world that are not just reasonable.

Wang Mang waved his hand at him, and said playfully, "Do you think this is still in the civilized era? I just want to ask you a question, have you guys beaten me?"

The bald man’s original excited expression was suddenly startled, and then he was speechless, but his eyes still revealed unyielding and unyielding.

Regardless of the emotions in his heart, Wang Mang continued: "Ahu is my person. If you want him to sever his arm, I said it's impossible!"

Wang Mang stood up from the chair, looked over their faces one by one with cold eyes and said:

"Today I am in a good mood and I don't want to see blood. I don't care about the things you disturb me.

As for the four of you who died, I can subsidize them with 20 gold dragon coins. Is this all right?"

Wang Mang’s tone was already a little impatient, obviously this was his last tolerance.

Hearing Wang Mang's words, the bald man became uncomfortable: "My lord, the lives of our four brothers add up to 80 golden dragon coins? That's..."

"Boom," Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed, and then there was a sound of thunder, and a sharp blade of light rushed to the bald man's body as fast as thunder.

"Cracking noise!" Wang Mang's face was slightly angry.

"Hiss!" The bald man looked at the straight and shallow blood line on his body, his eyes were a little astonished, he couldn't believe it, but the facts broke his illusion.

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