Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 297: end

"Puff" the body of the bald man split in half instantly, and the scarlet blood was like a turbulent fountain, splashing and splashing everywhere.

The cyan stone slabs in the small courtyard were also a little disgusting with the hot blood.

The weak are not qualified to reason with the strong! The crazy thunder knife in Wang Mang's hand weighed more than a thousand catties. There was no trace of blood on the knife, and the blade was faintly shining with dazzling lightning.

"Eh~~Uh..." The people seemed to be strangling their necks, their eyes were full of shock, and they couldn't say a word in a daze.

"Take his corpse away. You can go to the newspaper office in the center of the gathering place to collect 100 gold dragon coins later."

Wang Mang waved his hand impatiently. If this bald-headed man could be more interesting and give in a little bit, then Wang Mang would not kill him so mercilessly.

But who makes him so ignorant, endless, like a fly,

When Wang Mang spoke, the 6.7 men around the bald man showed a relieved expression. It is better to die than everyone else.

Several guys all supported the split body of the bald man, and quickly left from the courtyard gate.

The few remaining men took off their clothes one after another, wiped clean the cyan slate, and retreated respectfully and left until no trace of blood was visible.

When they were all gone, Wang Mang just sat on the chair, leaned the Kuang Lei Knife in his hand against the wall, lit a cigarette and thought quietly.

Liu Ying, who was watching the whole process in the kitchen, frowned when she saw Wang Mang's thoughtful appearance, and sighed, turned around and poured a cup of hot tea to Wang Mang who was sitting in a chair thinking about the problem.

Wang Mang took the hot tea, took a sip, turned his head and said to Liu Ying:

"Xiaoying, what the bald-headed man said is right. He made sense, but Ahu is my brother after all. He wants Ahu to sever his arm. I don't want my brother to be hurt."

Liu Ying nodded in agreement, "Husband, this world is like this. It is no longer the civilized world that is reasonable and legal, so we are right to do this."

Wang Mang took a sip of tea, shook his head and sighed, why didn't he know this?

I have lived in the last days for six years, and I have seen a lot of people and things.

There is only one truth in this world today, that is, whoever is strong is the boss, and the weak are not qualified to question and punish the strong!

But I clearly understand this, but I still can't help being troubled. Maybe this is the cruelty of the end times.

"Stop talking about it, Xiaoying, I brought you delicious food from the secret realm,"

Wang Mang suppressed the depression in his heart and smiled.

The ring flashed red, and a basket of delicate berries appeared at Wang Mang’s feet.

Wang Mang picked up the basket, grabbed a handful of berries and put them in Liu Ying's hands, motioning Liu Ying to taste the taste.

Liu Ying looked at the purple berry in her hand that looked like a grape but was more than an apple. She couldn't help but feel a little curious. She picked up one and smelt it at the tip of her nose. The fragrance of the fruit contains a wealth of free energy.

Peeling off the thin purple peel on the berry, revealing the plump and juicy flesh, Liu Ying swallowed and couldn't wait to take a bite.

"En~" Liu Ying felt the rich taste of the taste buds, and closed her eyes full of enjoyment.

The sweetness of the juice blooms in the soft flesh, with a little sourness, it is far superior to other fruits!

"Xiaoying, here, take it as a snack,"

Wang Mang handed the basket to Liu Ying, and then lay down on the recliner in the courtyard, shaking it lightly. The difference from before was just a little more **** smell.

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