Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 298: Wang Hu's astonishment

Wang Mang was lying on the recliner, closing his eyes and preparing for a little coziness, the gate of the yard was pushed open again.

Wearing blood-stained bone tiger armor and holding a blood-stained snow knife, Wang Hu walked in across the threshold with a tired face.

Wang Mang opened his eyes, looked at Wang Hu who was tired, and asked suspiciously: "Ahu, what are you doing here, look tired,"

Wang Hu sighed, unloaded his armor on the ground, leaned limply on the stool, and said weakly:

"Brother Mang, our newspaper, the shop received the impact of several groups of supernatural powers in the early morning.

The high-end combat power of our worm group is too small, facing those second-tier abilities, we can only barely resist.

Today, I did not say that I also killed more than a dozen people with looting and killing supernatural powers... alas..."

Wang Mang nodded to him sympathetically. Although the strength gap between Tier 1 and Tier 2 is not as exaggerated as the sky, a Tier 2 ability player still does not fall behind 6 or 7 Tier 1 ability players. Windy,

It is estimated that during the early hours of the morning, Ahu fought around to fight the fire, fearing that he was exhausted.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang thought, took out a fist-sized emerald green berry from Panlong Ring, and handed it to Wang Hu:

"Ahu, you taste it. This is one of the harvests of my secret realm. It tastes good and contains plenty of energy, which is good for your recovery."

Wang Hu stretched out his hand to take the emerald green berries, and when he smelled the fruity scent, his spirit was lifted, and his eyes brightened a bit.

"Brother Mang, what kind of fruit is this? Why does it smell so fragrant?"

Wang Mang also took a bite of an emerald green berry, chewed and said, "I don't know, those strangers always call berries, and they probably don't have a name. They will definitely eat them."

Wang Hu nodded, holding the berries without rubbing them, and took a big bite. After chewing twice, he gave a satisfied thumbs up.

"Brother Mang, this berry tastes really good, just like a mixture of watermelon and apple, juicy and refreshing! It tastes rusty, it tastes really good,"

"Oh? Then you have a good taste. I will bring back at least two hundred catties of this kind of fruit.

Where does your sister-in-law have another kind of berry, which is sweet and delicious," said Wang Mang, pointing to Liu Ying, who was busy cooking in the kitchen.

Wang Hu looked in the direction of Wang Mang’s fingers, his eyes widened immediately.

I forgot to chew the berries in my mouth in a daze, but trembling with his fingers, he pressed a faintly blue giant knife against the wall, and moved his mouth, unable to say a word.

Wang Mang saw Wang Hu's astonishment, he just smiled and said, "How about, Ahu, did you see it?"

"Brother Mang, what kind of weapon is that? How can it be so powerful!"

When Wang Hu was shocked, he couldn't help but exclaimed, the sword seemed to have general spirituality.

He just glanced at it casually, and he already felt the killing intent on this giant knife.

This weapon is definitely beyond the scope of spirit weapons, is it...this is a holy weapon? !

"This is one of my greatest gains in the Secret Realm, Saint Soldier Kuang Lei!"

Hearing Wang Mang's affirmative words, Wang Hu was also amazed. Sure enough, Brother Mang was right. There is a great opportunity in the secret realm!

Wang Mang seemed to see the thoughts in his eyes, smiled, and said solemnly in his eyes:

"Ahu, it's not easy to get this crazy thunder. It was only after I killed the fifth-order king beast. It was really a life of nine deaths at that time."

Wang Mang recalled the feeling of being trapped in the quagmire and unable to struggle. He was still a little afraid.

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