Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 299: Conversation at the dinner table

When Wang Hu heard Wang Mang's words, his face was still in shock. He knew how big the gap between each level was.

In the old days, when Brother Mang recovered from his wounds, he still remembered the huge monster beast figure and the terrifying cold aura that he suddenly saw in the lake in the back mountain.

But Brother Mang killed the fifth-order king beast this time!

Wang Beast is the strongest in Tier 5, comparable to the existence of ordinary Tier 6. With the strength of Tier 3, Brother Mang killed him alone, it was incredible!

Not waiting for Wang Hu to think more, Liu Ying in the kitchen walked out and stood at the door and said to Wang Mang and Wang Hu in the courtyard:

"Ahu is back, the food is ready, husband, Ahu, come and eat quickly,"

When Wang Mang heard Liu Ying's greeting, he also got up from the recliner, smiled and patted Wang Hu on the shoulder and said:

"Ahu, don't think about it. Go to dinner first. By the way, contact Yao Ping and ask him to come. I have something to tell him."

When Wang Hu heard Wang Mang’s instructions, he nodded, and said something to Yao Ping through the final ring on his index finger, and walked into the kitchen with Wang Mang.

Liu Ying, who had just taken off her apron, heard Wang Hu's words contacting Yao Ping, and suddenly said to Wang Mang:

"Husband, is this to explain to Yao Ping what happened after we left?"

Wang Mang nodded and said from the main seat at the dinner table:

"Well, we will leave Longshi in the afternoon. Some things must be explained to Ah Ping. We didn't have enough time to go to Hidden Dragon Stele. If we have been delayed for so long in Longshi, it is time to leave."

Both Wang Hu and Liu Ying nodded their heads clearly. Wang Mang explained to them the function and ability of the Hidden Dragon Stele. If they set off and arrived earlier, survival in the last days would be much easier.

The dishes on the dinner table are exquisite or hearty cold dishes, the hot dishes exude bursts of aroma, and the meat of various monsters is no less than four or five kinds.

The cold cuts are full of delicate berries and some extremely scarce fruits and vegetables.

Even the boiled rice was brought out by Wang Mang from the secret realm. It was full of rice comparable to Lingmi.

The three of them simply moved their chopsticks, quietly waiting for the last person of this lunch.

Before long, Yao Ping, with two dark circles under his eyes and a haggard face, came hurriedly.

"Brother Mang, Brother Tiger, and sister-in-law, you have been waiting for a long time, sorry I am late," Yao Ping smiled on his tired and tired face, looking even more tired.

Seeing him like this, Wang Mang also said quite understandingly: "Aping, there were too many things last night and I didn't sleep well?"

After Yao Ping took the seat, he replied with a wry smile:

"Yes, Brother Mang, all the major forces in the city were like crazy last night, and every force seemed to take this opportunity to expand their turf in the gathering place. I didn't expect that incident would cause such a big consequence. ,"

Wang Mang frowned slightly, waved his hand and said:

"Things are indeed out of control. I hurt Li Guang too badly. Otherwise, he has Tier 3 strength, even if he is injured, he still has the strength to deal with some Tier 2 abilities."

"Well, you bring this bottle of life essence to him in the afternoon, even if you are dependent on him for a meeting ceremony,

I am leaving in the afternoon. The formation of an alliance between the worm group and the city lord force can also suppress the situation in the stable gathering place."

Wang Mang put a small bottle of emerald green life essence on the dinner table, tapped the table lightly with his fingers, as if thinking about something.

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