Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 304: Troublesome roadblock

On the mottled concrete road, two extremely fast Land Rover roared past.

The concrete road that hasn’t passed by for a long time is covered with lush weeds and fallen trees.

The one with the smaller obstacles is directly hitting the past, and the places that cannot be passed are the ones that need to come down to clear the roadblocks.

"Brother Mang, this road is really difficult to walk. How many roadblocks have we cleared on this road?" Wang Hu looked at the setting sun on the horizon, looking helpless.

Wang Mang looked at the thick and strong tree that broke out from under the cement board in front of him. He was also a little irritated.

"It's fine to drive through this road. When you reach Shahe, you can go directly on the highway. I don't want to go on this cement road anymore."

With that, the ring flashed red, and a violent thunder knife with a dazzling electric arc appeared in Wang Mang’s hand.

"Puff," there was a crisp sound of tree breaking, and the big tree that stood in front of the three fell down like a loss of support.

Wang Hu walked to the root of the tree, grabbed the wooden pier with both hands, half-staggered, exerting force on his waist, and with a drink, he uprooted the wooden pier with a diameter of more than one meter.

The thick cement board around was shattered into several pieces like paper paste.

"Huh!" Wang Hu threw the root of the tree to the side of the road and patted the dust on his hands. "Brother Mang, how far are we from Shahe, can we be there before dark?"

"If you add enough horsepower, it should be possible. It's not far from Shahe. It's only ten or twenty kilometers away. It's a roadblock or something. Then I will trouble Xiaoying. Let's go and get in the car."

Seeing that the roadblock was cleared, Wang Mang also opened the door, got on the driver’s seat, kicked the accelerator, and the Land Rover drove through the shallow pit on the road after the roots were uprooted.

"Xiaoying, I will trouble you next. If you encounter a roadblock on the road, just use the wind blade. Let's hurry up. It's too dangerous to drive on the road after dark."

Wang Mang drove the car attentively and said to Liu Ying in the front passenger seat,

Liu Ying put down the book in her hand and nodded earnestly, "Well, husband, I know, you can rest assured, I will leave the obstacles on the road to me."

Wang Mang also smiled when he heard Liu Ying’s words. If it was not in a hurry, it would be really uneconomical for Xiaoying to spend her powers to clear the obstacles.

But there is no way. If you have not reached Shahe before dark, the forest wilderness at night is very dangerous.

The night is the golden time for all kinds of monsters to hunt and forage,

Although I have a protective body of fire locusts, after the battle with the king beast in the secret realm, the remaining fire locusts are not very high.

If it's not the moment of life and death, it won't be used on a large scale again. If you encounter a Tier 5 monster, you don't have the confidence to defeat it.

"Puff," a dark gray wind blade that shivered and flew straight from the window of the Land Rover toward the pile of stones blocking the way.

In an instant, a few huge rocks were twisted into fragments of stone, gray stone dust, by the lingering wind blade,

The Land Rover roared and drove at full speed. All kinds of dead trees and stones blocking the road were quickly and quickly destroyed by Liu Ying's wind blade. The efficiency along the way was almost improved several times compared with before.

"Xiaoying, your wind blade is really easy to use," Wang Mang drove the Land Rover with a roaring noise, unimpeded all the way, couldn't help but sigh.

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