Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 305: Interesting things

Liu Yingchao and Wang Mang rolled his eyes, panting and said, "Husband, this is very mental and supernatural energy."

In just five minutes, he continuously sent out nearly twenty wind blades. It was Liu Ying's rank not low, full of energy, and a few fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Seeing Liu Ying panting, Wang Mang took out two small bottles of life essence from the ring and handed them to Liu Ying with a smile: "Okay, okay, hold on again, we will get to Shahe ahead."

Not far in front, small dilapidated buildings lacking bricks and tiles slowly emerged from the cover of dense forest.

The powerful off-road performance of Land Rover and Wang Mang’s superb driving skills are fully combined, and the speed has reached more than one hundred yards.

Thanks to Liu Ying’s power, the unique whistling sound of Land Rover’s diesel engine reached the outskirts of Shahe Town in just ten minutes.

When Liu Ying saw the car had entered the wide asphalt road outside the town, she patted her chest tiredly, and exhaled in a relaxed manner.

"Huh, it's finally here," he said, raising his head and pouring the vial of life essence into his mouth, the pale complexion on his face became a little more rosy.

"Xiaoying, you have a rest in the car now, I will get out of the car to see the situation,"

Wang Mang leaned on the side of the road and stopped the car, looking at the bleak and quiet Shahe Town in front of him, he became habitually vigilant and prepared to explore the situation next time.

Wang Hu at the back also slowly lowered his speed. Seeing Wang Mang got off the car, he closed the car door and followed.

"Brother Mang, this town is so dilapidated,"

Wang Hu looked at the shops and houses on both sides of the street that were not complete, some signs fell to the ground, and the glass was missing.

Some of the rolling shutter doors were torn down, and it was even more disgusting. There were still piles of messy bones lying in front of the shop.

"When we were in Weixian, when we encountered dead bodies, it was just stinking and worms.

Now a few months have passed, and the corpses have been eaten into bones by the decomposing monsters. It is estimated that in a few months, we will not even be able to see the bones."

When Wang Mang faced the dilapidated street in front of him, he was not surprised. What he was worried about was whether there were any powerful zombies or monsters in the town.

It’s okay if it’s just a few monsters, it’s more dangerous if you encounter a group of lost corpse kings with weak intelligence.

That kind of organized, deadly corpse group can't be blocked by one or two superpowers.

Some mutant zombies also have the ability to infect people with supernatural powers. Once they are caught and bitten, they are dangerous.

"Ahu, let's take a look separately. If we encounter a group of zombies or something, we should focus on investigation and don't fight with them."

Wang Mang's insect pattern flashed, and the black three insects flew out suddenly, turning into a pool of thick black liquid, covering Wang Mang's whole body, turning into a set of fierce insect beetles exuding evil aura.

"Brother Mang, I know," Wang Hu nodded, holding a snow knife and blowing arrows with red ink on his back, trotting vigilantly into the alley next to the street to investigate the situation.

Wang Mang also unfolded the iron wing brush on his back, spread his wings a few times, and flew into the sky.

Wang Mang looked at Shahe Town on the ground through the blindfold of the worm armor. He narrowed his eyes, but found something interesting.

Shahe Town, on the roof of a five-story building,

A few young men with dirty clothes, green eyes glowing, and cruel faces were holding kitchen knives, looking at the few young women who knelt on the ground and kept begging and crying bitterly.

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