Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 306: The survival of ordinary people

One of the young men with a shaved head looked at the young girls who were begging for mercy, the green light in his eyes dimmed a little, showing a trace of unbearableness.

The expression on his face was a bit tangled, and he couldn't help but say to the strongest man headed:

"Three...Brother...Third brother, can we stop dealing with Xiaolan and the others, Xiaolan is my former tablemate,"

The third brother who could hardly restrain the green light in his eyes, when he heard this, he turned his head abruptly, widened his green eyes, and said to him with a cruel face:

"Dog stuff! Are you **** hungry and stupid and don't eat them? Do you eat you? Or do you want to starve to death by yourself?"

When the surrounding men heard this, they couldn't help but look at the fleshy position on his body. The kitchen knife in his hand was also a little bit ready to move.

Among the kneeling girls, there was a young woman in her twenties with a sweet face and plump body, but her face was a little yellowish, and she stopped crying when she heard the cold words of these people.

A pair of hydrated eyes were already red and swollen from crying, and the expression on his face became even more pale.

I haven’t eaten anything for two or three days, and I lived for a few days by drinking water from the rooftop tank.

I remember the half-pack of crispy noodles I ate last time. That noodles is really delicious. I won’t have the chance to eat it anymore. I’m going to die today.

Thinking about it, Zhang Lan couldn't help but look up at the sky, just want to question this god, why he wants to make this world completely unrecognizable!

Why should monsters and zombies appear in this world! why? why!

"Why on earth!?" Zhang Lan looked at the still blue sky, and a few tears slipped down the corner of her eyes.

"Hurry up, tusk, Zhang Lan is a good figure, if it weren't for food, I wouldn't want to kill you, not to mention the brothers haven't eaten meat for a long time, haha!"

The man named Third Brother looked at Zhang Lan’s desperate and anguished look, and an inexplicable sense of refreshment came to his mind.

How can such a beautiful woman kneel in front of her in the civilized age, begging herself to let it go? Although this last days is a bit dangerous, the benefits are not without it.

Thinking about it, Liu San'er wiped the hem of the clothes with the sharp kitchen knife in his hand, then looked at Zhang Lan’s white neck, and couldn’t help licking his tongue.

"What's that?" Zhang Lan exclaimed, looking at the sky with some doubts and surprises in her eyes.

"What is the fuss?" Liu San'er looked at Zhang Lan curiously and glanced at the sky, his eyes widened in horror.

"That...that...is it a monster, or...is it a human!?" Liu San'er raised her hand tremblingly, and pointed to the black object flying in the sky, with a tone of horror. ,

"Oh? I seem to have seen me." Wang Mang's strong eyes saw Liu San'er pointing to his hand clearly, and he also smiled boredly.

I plan to continue watching, forget it, go and play with them,

The scaly armor and iron wings behind "Hula" suddenly vibrated, and Wang Mang flew over to the rooftop where the few people were standing.

"I... Damn, flying monsters, run quickly!"

"Brother San'er, let's run! Leave Zhang Lan and the others, the monsters will fly away when they are full, let's go down to the rooftop to hide,"

Several men with green eyes watched Wang Mang flapping his wings and flying towards them, all eyes were full of horror, and they temporarily recovered their sanity.

With a horrified expression on his face, he ran towards the passage to the lower rooftop as if fleeing for his life. After entering, he closed the iron door leading to the rooftop.

The few girls kneeling on the ground faced the unknown threat in the sky, struggling to stand up, thinking about running, Wang Mang, who was covered in insect armor, flapped his wings and landed in front of them.

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