Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 307: Zhang Lan

In Zhang Lan’s beautiful eyes, he saw the body of the ‘monster’ falling from the sky and covered in black armor just struggling to stand up, and fell weak again, with numbness and despair in his eyes.

The other two girls who were less than 17 or 18 years old were even more unbearable. One was frightened and fell to the ground, the other closed her lips, her eyes were a little dull, a warm, yellowish liquid flowed from her lower body.

"Hello," Wang Mang waved at them, the strange smile on his face even more terrifying.

"You...you..." The little girl who was frightened and gagged, her sluggish eyes finally recovered, she fell to the ground, screamed in panic, and crawled backwards with her hands and feet. ,

Seeing that their performance was also a bit speechless, Wang Mang snapped his fingers to relieve the beetle condition. The dark armor on his body gathered into the left palm insect pattern like running water, revealing his true face.

Wang Mang smiled at the corner of his mouth, knelt down, squeezed Zhang Lan's smooth face and said, "What's the matter with you? Are you hungry?"

Zhang Lan watched the armored man in front of him turned into a harmless young man with a gentle smile.

Frozen, let Wang Mang squeeze his face. After Wang Mang asked several times, his head went blank and came back to his senses, "Uh, it is..."

Wang Mang looked at Zhang Lan in a daze, and he didn't care about anything.

What I saw in the sky was clear. The men in shabby clothes with kitchen knives just wanted to kill them, and then cook a meal of meat. As for what kind of meat? Ha ha,

A red light flashed on Wang Mang's index finger, and a fist-sized emerald green berry appeared in front of Zhang Lan. Wang Mang put the berry in her hand and said, "Eat,"

After a few minutes of dumbfounded, Zhang Lan came back to her senses like she was waking up from a big dream.

There was also a glimmer of color in the numb and desperate eyes, and the tone could not conceal the excitement. He trembled and said: "You...you are...the one who is...the capable!?"

Wang Mang realized that when she saw her, he couldn't help but feel amused, "I am, haven't you seen other supernatural beings?"

After Zhang Lan heard Wang Mang’s answer, she was shaking with excitement in her hand holding Berry.

Immediately his legs knelt on the ground, tears were dripping in his red and swollen eyes, and he said pleadingly:

"My lord, my lord, save me, I don't want to die, I don't want to be eaten by others, you can do whatever you want me to do,

As a cow and a horse, you can treat me as a servant, just give me a bite of food.. Please, please! "

Although Lan’s words were a bit messy, Wang Mang understood what it meant, but there was definitely a lot of danger on the way to the hidden dragon stele.

I, Xiaoying, Ahu and his party have at most a self-protection strength. If you bring an ordinary person with no combat power, it will obviously be a burden.

However, this woman gave herself a sense of intimacy as soon as they met. It was a bit strange. If it was of value, it would be okay to take her a distance.

Seeing her crying pleading, Wang Mang nodded and agreed, "Get up first, I promised you."

When Zhang Lan heard this, she cried and cried but couldn't help but smile, but what happens in the future, that she can live now, this is the greatest happiness.

Zhang Lan leaned on the handrails on the roof and stood up staggeringly. She has been hungry for two or three days. She has no strength at all in her body. Now she is struggling to stand up.

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