Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 308: help

Seeing her stand up, Wang Mang looked at the two little girls who were lying on the ground again, and said:

"You can eat the fruit I just gave you, so that you can regain some strength, and these two little girls, you also explain to them that I am not a bad person,"

Zhang Lan naturally responded, nodded, picked up the berries in her hand, brought it to her mouth, and sniffed it lightly. There was a unique natural fragrance of fruit with a hint of sweetness.

Just smelling the smell, Zhang Lan couldn't help secreting a lot of body fluid from her mouth, and her throat surged.

One bite on the smooth and moist berries, "Zi~" Zhang Lan felt the abundant, sweet pulp and juice in her mouth.

Red and swollen eyes, I couldn’t help but once again misted up, how long it’s been since I had eaten fruit, I’m afraid it’s been a long time,,,

Wang Mang watched Zhang Lan eating berries with great interest, his colorful expressions changed, and he also smiled slightly.

Those with extremely high requirements for food energy are full of praise for the various specialties in the secret realm, let alone ordinary people who have not yet awakened.

"What is your name?"

Seeing Wang Mang's question, Zhang Lan quickly swallowed the berries in her mouth, licking the fruit stains on her lips with unsatisfactory meaning, and said, "My lord, my name is Zhang Lan."

"I'll ask you something, what's the situation in your place, why are you all reduced to cannibalism?"

This is also what Wang Mang is extremely curious about.

I am also a person who has lived in the last days for several years. I have experienced the chaotic and disorderly bottom life of the early last days, but I have not seen a few cannibalism.

As soon as the last days came, some people became zombies, and most of them were bitten and swallowed by zombies, infected, and some were eaten by monsters. There will not be many people alive in this town.

The canned food and rice in the supermarket in Shahe Town have not expired. As long as you are more courageous and lucky, you will not be reduced to cannibalism!

When Zhang Lan saw Wang Mang talking about the tragedy that nearly died just now, her red and swollen eyes burst into tears again.

The tears in the eyes couldn't stop flowing down, and the voice choked and said:

"My lord, there are a lot of people living in our building, at least four or five hundred people. There are more people eating. The nearby supermarkets and convenience stores have been raided clean.

Farther away, you will encounter the danger of corpses, so few people are willing to risk their lives to search for food."

"Moreover, the most powerful person in the building is the strong man who can go out looking for food. We women, children, and old people can only watch them give alms, and if we are lucky, we can be rewarded with something to eat."

Listening to Zhang Lan’s choked words, Wang Mang didn’t feel any waves in his heart.

The dark side of human nature is nothing. Why do you want to eat the food that you risked your life to go out looking for?

This is a common phenomenon in the last days. Wang Mang will not stand on the moral high ground and condemn others.

He is not a good person himself, he can only say that in order to survive, that little sympathy has long been discarded.

As for helping Zhang Lan, she just looked at the closeness of her eyes and felt very affectionate. It didn’t matter to give her a fruit to satisfy her hunger.

"Then, among the hundreds of you, are there any supernatural beings?" When Wang Mang saw that Zhang Lan had finished eating the berries, he gave her the dried fruit and asked her to continue.

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