Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 309: beggar

"Yes, yes, the boss in this building, Liu Fan, is a supernatural person. I heard other people say that this boss is very powerful.

There is a lot of food in his house, and only the woman who is willing to sleep with her and the strong man under him are qualified to eat."

Zhang Lan took the dried fruit that Wang Mang handed him, with some trepidation and joy in his eyes. It seemed that the supernatural person in front of him was pretty good.

"Wait! What do you think your boss is called? Liu Fan?" Wang Mang narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of a familiar person.

"Well, yes, he is a little bit scornful, cruel, and a girl who didn't want to be with her last time was thrown downstairs by her."

Zhang Lan ate the dried fruit cautiously, remembering the scene of Liu Fan throwing people down the window at that time, and couldn't help shivering, a little bit timid.

I hope my guess is wrong. Wasn't he killed by a zombie in his last life? Maybe it was just the same name. Wang Mang shook his head thinking about it.

This Liu Fan is the **** he hates most in his dreams. If he is alive in this life, hum,

"Let's go, take these two little girls, I will meet your boss,"

When Wang Mang saw the two fainted and frightened little girls on the ground, they recovered some consciousness under Zhang Lan's comfort. Wang Mang also took out a few berries and asked them to pad their stomachs.

After they regained some mobility, Wang Mang looked at the iron gate leading downstairs and couldn't help but smile. Really think that a broken gate can stop the monster beast?

Wang Mang walked slowly to the iron gate, tapped his finger, and estimated that the iron gate is also about ten centimeters thick. This degree of defense can block anything.

On one side of Wang Mang's body, he kicked vigorously, and with a "bang", he kicked on the seemingly sturdy iron gate.

The sturdy iron gate, which was ten centimeters thick, was like a piece of paper, but it was dented by Wang Mang's kick and flew out.

The concrete surrounding the iron gate is somewhat cracked, revealing the twisted and deformed steel bars inside.

"Let's go," Wang Mang beckoned to the three stunned women behind him, and walked in alone.

A few ‘beggars’ who were wearing dirty clothes like rags, leaning against each other and chatting on a feint, heard the loud noise coming from the rooftop passage, and ignored it.

Just continue to sleep soundly, or talk to each other about women and food, except for these two, nothing can arouse their curiosity.

With one hand in his pocket, Wang Mang walked down the stairs step by step, looking at the few skinny and skinny ‘beggars’ leaning against the corner of the stairs.

I also have a clear understanding of the place where 4 to 5 hundred people gather together.

This is a place like a refugee camp. It is estimated that dozens of people can eat a full meal. Others don’t starve to death. Even if they are lucky, they burn a lot of incense.

"Who are you!? How come I haven't seen you!"

When Wang Mang came down one more flight of stairs, a black-faced man, holding a bladed machete, looked at Wang Mang who had come down from the top floor with some confusion.

Looking at Wang Mang’s bright and neat clothes, I was even more surprised.

"Get out!" Wang Mang was not interested in answering his questions, but just glanced at him blankly.

The majestic aura like a sea wave directly hit the black-faced man with a machete,

The black-faced man, his face was a little bit purple in pain, his body suddenly limp, kneeled on the ground, and kept vomiting.

After vomiting for a while, he felt Wang Mang's majestic and invisible aura, and a huge wave appeared in his heart. This was a high-level ability person! !

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