Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 310: Fan

The three daughters of Zhang Lan, who followed Wang Mang cautiously down the stairs, saw the usually unsmiling, cruel, black-faced man being sipped by Wang Mang, and she knelt down.

The panic and fear suddenly became calmer, the man in front of him should be able to bless his three weak women.

"Where is your boss? Take me to see him," Wang Mang tapped his finger on the wooden handrail on the stairs, without a trace of expression on his face.

A pair of deep eyes looked at the kneeling black-faced man quietly, not knowing what he was thinking,

"Okay...okay..." The black-faced man wiped the sticky vomit from his mouth, stood up with some trepidation, and pointed to the stairs downstairs.

The trembling voice said: "You...here...I lead the way..."

The black-faced man was so frightened that his speech was a little messy, but he walked with trembling legs and looked back at Wang Mang behind him from time to time when he went down the stairs. He shuddered and continued to lead the way.

Wang Mang rubbed the moaning scum on his chin and frowned his eyebrows tightly. He always felt something was wrong with this place, but it was strange to perceive that there was no danger signal nearby...

Wang Mang shook his head irritably, and beckoned to the three cautious women behind him, asking them to follow him closely.

Seeing Wang Mang beckoning, Zhang Lan hurriedly took the hands of the two girls beside him, took a big step, and followed Wang Mang closely.

Wang Mang followed behind the black-faced man unhurriedly, and when he reached the third floor, the black-faced man stopped.

Shaking his hands, pointing to a closed brown wooden door on the third floor, he whispered, "Brother Fan is inside, you...you..."

Wang Mang raised his hand to interrupt him, and waved at him impatiently.

Seeing this action, the black-faced man, as if a stone in his heart fell to the ground, smiled flatteringly at Wang Mang, overjoyed, and fled as if he dashed away.

Naturally, Wang Mang knew what this person was thinking. He just became a second-to-five boy and didn't want the boss to know about it.

I didn’t bother to care about this kind of thing. Wang Mang listened to the voice of a few women chatting and talking behind the door, as well as the hearty laughter of a young man.

In my heart, I understand that the black-faced man did not lie to himself. In this small group of four to five hundred people, only the so-called superpower boss can be interested in talking and chatting with women.

Wang Mang held the handle of the wooden door with one hand and twisted it lightly. There was a slight sound of opening the door, and the room was quieter.

When Wang Mang opened the door and saw the scene in the room, he felt a little bit interesting. A dozen strong men with dragons and tigers on their arms were sitting on the tables and stools in the room recklessly, smoking cigarettes. , Licking melon seeds,

But no one spoke, just looking enviously at the young people sitting on the sofa and teasing a few beautiful women.

When the door of the house was opened abruptly, the beautiful women with sweet smiles and **** clothes all looked at the direction of opening the door suspiciously.

The young man who hugged left and right saw the door opened, and he yelled: "The door opened by that **** who doesn't have long eyes? Don't you know I'm in a meeting?"

A few fierce men with dragons and tigers, seeing the boss get angry, even more echoed and cursed: "Damn, who doesn't have eyes? I'm afraid it will be too long!"

"It's you, come here, kid, let the uncle call you a good man,"

A bare-chested dragon that was barely eighteen or nineteen years old, showing the evil dragon with its teeth and dancing claws on its back, with a cigarette in its mouth, facing Wang Mang at the door, he hooked his finger in disdain.

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